Guy threatened to stab me


I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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nr.Cov.... pure n*l
Friday night, around 8 o'clock I was making my way to my local club for the darts and dominoes.
A man I recognised started to make a bee-line for me and deliberately knocked me with his shoulder. He turned and looked as though I were to blame.
I asked him what his problem was and he threatened to stab me. He put his hand in his pocket but never pulled a knife.

I pulled out my phone and said I would call the Police and he walked away. Would of been my word against his and he is a very good liar as can be seen here.

At the age of 55 I thought I would be safe from these idiots.
He walked towards me this afternoon and didn't have a clue who I was, never even gave me a second glance.
I'm too old to fight now and a hell of a lot smaller than he is. Just annoying the hell out of me that I can't do anything about it
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its getting worse and worse these days... i can handle myself and i have been stabbed myself, but not serious i might add cause i seen the twat going for his pocket and pull a knife so i hit him a few times quickly, but he still got me in the arm lol.. this was a few years ago working in cardiff ..

but these days you need to just walk away, not worth the hassle mate.. you did the right thing by just not doing anything....

it takes a bigger man to walk away....
Not a very nice experience for you Chookey - only glad it turned out OK.
u did exactly the right thing mate ..
i had a knife pulled on me in a pub few weeks back by a coked up kid who didnt know what he was doin , he cocked his hand to stick me just as i grabbed a bottle of bud .
I slammed it over his head and knocked him out cold ( few stiches )
That bottle i think to this day saved my life maybe .
The world is madness , i fell sorry for the babies being brought up in this shit mess
A similar thing happened to me, my wife and my son and daughter, a pre-pubescent scrote accused ME, a 32 year old dad of 3, of shouting brap brap at him and his mate (WTF does that mean anyway?). He too had his hand on his pocket, but I just told him to grow up go home and get into bed. But because I didn't break down crying and give him all my hard earned belongings and faced up to him his mate suggested they should go.

A week later it tuned out he was in court for doing the same thing to several people in our area.

Its a f-ing shame when you can't walk your own streets with out looking over your shoulder.
Seems' to be popular to threaten with knives nowadays.
In my case the guys' head must be totally screwed up, "The X Factor Stalker" and now this stunt against me.

He will be in my local Wetherspoons this afternoon having a couple with his Dad.
I go there every Sunday with my mate and am usually joined by a few others.
They reckon I should say something to him but I won't. He doesn't know me now and I am not going to make myself a target for his warped mind.

I'm surprised no-one mentioned the stalker story about him which I linked to my first post.
Ihave also found this on the internet.

17th November - This has been an interesting few days, we were contacted by a Mr. <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Christopher Matt</b> who told us he was a film producer with a $58m budget to produce a film in the UK. While at first it did seem a little bit too good to be true, it did also seem quite plausible so (with reservations) we went along with him. He was asking us to manage a number of models to work as extras on his film and also asked us to do some back ground stills photography prior to the film launch, presumably trying to use our established studio name to give him some sort of credibility. We were told the star of the film "Vin Diesel" would be coming to our studio in St Ives, at this point we began to smell a rat, the following day he said Vin Diesel could not make the shoot or do the film and they had got Samuel L Jackson instead. Whilst it would have been great to have such a Hollywood star at our studio (in a little Cambridgeshire market town) we realised the guy was talking a load of cow manure, and then became very worried as this guy had contacted a number of models via Facebook with the intention of meeting them for castings (as topless models in his film) we immediately phoned the police to report this, when the police arrived at our studio they phoned Mr. <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Christopher Matt</b> to ask him for more details relating to his project and to find out more about his company. He then admitted to the police officer, there was never any company, and he did not have a budget of $58m and he did not know Samuel L Jackson but was indeed hoping to become his manager soon. (his statement gave us a good laugh) So if anyone is contacted by a <b style="color:black;background-color:#ffff66">Christopher Matt</b> from Amsley Gardens in <b style="color:black;background-color:#a0ffff">Nuneaton</b> please let me know or contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary quoting incident reference number 363/16112009.

Whilst we do not think this person is a danger to models, we can't be sure. However if we had gone along with his story and had taken the models to London and done what he had asked we estimate it would have cost us in the region of £10,000, fortunately we are not that stupid and have saved six models a lot of anxiety and money, not to mention the potential risk they may have put them selves in to.
It seems like this guy needs a little holiday, courtesy of Lizzy ;)
It has been like this where i usto live. Look at a person wrong and they would offer you out. Even pick up some fink and hit you with it. Or even use a knife on you. Have not had a knife pulled ot on me but if it did happend i would.not know what to do honnestly.

It has been like this where i usto live. Look at a person wrong and they would offer you out. Even pick up some fink and hit you with it. Or even use a knife on you. Have not had a knife pulled ot on me but if it did happend i would.not know what to do honnestly.


If you have any sense then run.
only ever seen a knife pulled once and that was 20+yrs ago after a darts match walking through a town when a gang of idiots didn't like newcomers in their town a mate of mine called out who's the hard fooker with a knife and this chap came forward only to get a set of darts slashed across his face leaving him with 3 gashes down his cheek.
Reading the two articles, it's little wonder this sort of activity is on the increase. A slick lawyer (paid for by you and me) and a tame psychiatric report (engineered by skilful lying) and these nutters get woefully inadequate sentences. Not only that, but they get released 'on licence' and surprise? They run away.
So who are the stupid ones?