Give UP!!!!!!

bit premature surely
give up what trying to setup the box get it working
seem to be twarted at every attempt.
Got tuner configged. got all channels, EMU installed. cant get DCC to work. says connected everything seems ok wont install CCcam. tried filezilla told it was simple, cant configure it< far from simple atleast DCC has a friendly interface. From what I have seen of box it is far more impressive than openbox but atleast its practicly plug an Go. been at this all day time for a break me thinks.
thanks for all the assistance today though would not even have got this far without the support on here.
what are you stuck on,getting cams installed
if so get the boxes ip address and load up core ftp
close all the wizards and site manager and click the little lighting strike on the right hand box
in the window that pops up add your boxes ip address username and password
these should be root and dreambox on fresh image
once connected you will see lots of files drag your ikp file into temp folder
There is no password on a fresh openPLI image its not dreambox it is blank.

DCC does not like blank passwords so filezilla is the best option, just make sure your using the IP from Menu-setup-system-network

It should connect
Thanks all. Round 2 tomorrow then. Gonna be seeing ibox setup in my sleep.
open dreambox control center click search
ScreenHunter_02 Feb. 03 19.21.jpg
you will see your box ip
ScreenHunter_03 Feb. 03 19.23.jpg
click accept
ScreenHunter_04 Feb. 03 19.27.jpg
now click reconnect
ScreenHunter_05 Feb. 03 19.31.jpg
click ftp you will see a folder etc click to open
ScreenHunter_07 Feb. 03 19.36.jpg
scroll down to CCcam.cfg click edit copy and paste your line and save
ScreenHunter_08 Feb. 03 19.42.jpg
Ferret, just one thing though with so called instructions with box it does say user root password root.
Thanks, I was getting nothing opening up on left panel even though it showed connected on home screen, I did use list to connect as it showed up ibox3 in IP list. Feeling better to retry tomorrow. Once again thanks for all the support.