Get Your Pin Working 100%

ok tried this too the letter on both 2100 and a 2110 samsung and with a untouched mosc card and it dont work. the only way this will most probably work is with tb i have tb disabled this isnt working for me

Thanx a lot mate worked for me in pure on box PACE 4010NC

Okay folks
I think this is what we have all been waiting for...................

I have done this on a sammy 1x 2110 and a 5 x 2100 with 100% success so it's time for you to try............... and it is so simple....

Force update, reset the pin with a glitched or opened original smart card in the box and leave it until the box complete boots up...........reset your pin in the engineers menu and freq and reboot..... go to channel 101..... it will give you the message of the smart card is not inserted properly then remove the smart card and replace with your funcard that is already been updated previously and wait until the settings have been updated then go to the movie channel press the red button and enter your pin..... thats it

Please not you can use any smart card as long as it has been opened and not modified...... it should work....... you must update the box with the card in it

The box must completely update by scanning for channels and retune itself

this does not work on a 4010........... go and have fun

and remember to thank me if it works for you....

: multi : : multi : : multi : : multi :
tried it only a sammy 2100,with an opened card and its says wait while its powers up and stays on that,any ideas,,tryed it again and it comes on so i switch to 101 and it doesnt say nothing about the wrong card
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ok ty for this m8 but ,, im in pure and non of my sammys will reset pin without battry short ,, ???? any other way to try except standby+ok+<+>

just get normal boot wen using the above?
tried it only a sammy 2100,with an opened card and its says wait while its powers up and stays on that,any ideas,,tryed it again and it comes on so i switch to 101 and it doesnt say nothing about the wrong card

I think(hope someone can confirme this)its because your ex c&w which does not automatically find the network id.which stays on all 99999.So does not reboot up completley.Theirfore you will need to funcard network and pin.That way you can't complete with out taking out the mosc before its completed its update.Thats why you are not getting the error message.I think you would have to get a dump of of eprom and edit then rewrite.Has anybody in EX C&W manage to do this? as i am having same problem as bro.
if you look in the sammy section there in a macro for 2100 's which doesn't change the netid. just attach a jtag and program it with ocd.
original opened unmodified smartcard

all mine were done using an original opened unmodified smartcard... i suspect thats where your going wrong........ see if get one anyone will do even if its not paired to the box....... the one i have been using has not beeen paired to any of the boxes...... let me know

how do i obtain one of these please
Hi all, is there any chance that any knowledgable and willing member would write a glossary? IE glitched, opened and so forth? If us beginners would know the jargon we could follow instructions much more easily and understand posts much more clearly and basic questions wont be post it over and over, I had to ask what was "N*L Pure because I didn't know what it was or ment and even though everyone is helpful surely they must get fed up by been asked the same questions dozens of times.
a original card that has not been touched need to be glitched(opened using a glitcher) a device used to open mosc, N*L cards
i do have a virmin media card but it was done by a dealer so i guess thats no good for this job as its been "touched"
a original card that has not been touched need to be glitched(opened using a glitcher) a device used to open mosc, N*L cards

Thanks for your answer but that has highlighted exactly my point. I'm still none of the wiser cause I don't know what a glitcher is and why a card needs to be glitched, what is mosc? Do you see what I mean? That is why I was asking for someone to make a glossary.
Still, thank you for trying to explain.
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Thanks for your answer but that has highlighted exactly my point. I'm still none of the wiser cause I don't know what a glitcher is .

A glitcher is like a card programmer which sends info to a card to open the security on it, they look like this :HERE & HERE
and HERE

and why a card needs to be glitced,.

The Cable Company cards have a security lock on them commonly called backdoor keys which stop you from being able to just read the info on them using a card programmer because if you knew this info you will be in a better position to use it to obtain free tv.

what is mosc? .

mosc is an achronim of:


which basically uses info from cards which has been modified to obtain free viewing of channels

After being on here a while you will slowly learn the terminology we use, Im not aware of a good glossary of terms etc so with the reading of many posts and a bit of common sense you will work out what the words mean and if your still stumped just ask.

so the "vermin media" card i have that the dealer wrote to, has made it into a MOSC.
and therefore no good for this task, but can it be Rewritten to appear like an original card that has not been touched apart from being glitched ?
Thanks Clive for your detailed answer, it has open the door of knowledge a little bit more
the "vermin media"
I like that :Laugh: :)
the dealer wrote to, has made it into a MOSC.
and therefore no good for this task, but can it be Rewritten to appear like an original card that has not been touched apart from being glitched ?

Basically if you have altered the info from an original card it becomes a mosc, if you know the backdoor keys or the card is open to read then you can usually use it to get free tv.
You have to know what your doing and what the checks on these cards from the CC (Cable Company) are to qualify the image (this is the data you write or read on the card.) as a working image because if you get it wrong the card could get killed and be rendered an ice scraper (only good use for a knackered card lol) this only aplies to mosc cards as most other cards you can use ie:
Funcards, Atmega 163 card, Titanium cards, Opus cards etc do not get killed as such, they can usually be reused after erasing them.
If you can read the card then you can get the ird + bk figures from it to make any other card you like to use.
The key to most boxes (apart from the Dreamboxes and Dbox2 type boxes which use a card emulation rather than an actual physical card to get free tv) are the ird + bk figures which are like the registration plate of a car but for the box.
Once you have these figures for your box you should be happy ;)

so the "vermin media" card i have that the dealer wrote to, has made it into a MOSC.
and therefore no good for this task, but can it be Rewritten to appear like an original card that has not been touched apart from being glitched ?

if u put an original BOD image back on the card and put it back in the box and put it on line then it will lock and you will then need to glitch it to get it back open
thanks for that info, so basicaly i'm stuffed and can't get this 4001 to accept pin to get the movies back.
accepting pin and obtaining free tv chanels are 2 different things if you have your ird and bk you can get most things if you only have pin restrictions then it may be worth searching for pin function etc and reading up a bit, there is a lot of info in this area of late.

i know there is but this is the only thread thats shows any promiss for the 4001 that i found so far, but i live i hope