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Trying this idea on pace 4000 in ex c w

Hi i'm trying this idea on my pace 4000 in ex cw it seems to auto update the software each time it boots so i don't have to force it to update.

I've pulled the red jumper pet my subbed sammy card in waited for it to boot up.

Then i'm guna reset the frequency and net id to my area.

Reset my pin, goto channel 101 hopefully it should say wrong card then pop my AU fun in and see what happens on the press red button channels.

Here i go....................

Its not worked so far.....

Its not booting up

I get the Error messages up ER11 and ER12 which i think are incorrect net id codes.

Seems like i'll have to set the codes before it all loads up.???

I'll try that
Hold on its started to load up??????

Its started to load up as i went to set the net id????

Vgin media powering up!!!!!

It can't do tho can it, the box don't know where it is???
Im trying the remove the red jumper method on my pace 2000 to see if i can get all the movies. Ill let you know if successful or not.

Just tried your way. Everything updates fine but when I go to movies it says "please wait loading" then crashes. Can not change channels. Any suggestions.