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VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Beware all user's, the devs have now pushed a service.xbmc.cleanse that will remove addons. It was just pushed 5 mins ago. DO NOT INSTALL!

Its GenieTV that is behind this cleanse script that deletes addons.
Not sure if I need to but just killed my Kodi.exe process remotely :).

How can I prevent updates on Windows @alimac?

Think I might have found it - Add-on Manager. By default it is automatic.
would imagine you would need to manually install this but will find out
removed genie tv & repo scumbags
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I thought that you meant it was the Kodi Devs themselves, much relief.....
So... If my Kodi install has downloaded this I'm in trouble?

Where does this service.xbmc. file get saved to? I just tried a search of the disk but nothing was found. These files seem to go into the "userdata" folder under the Kodi directory.
not sure where to look userdata possibly
should be enough to remove genietv & scum repo
could be troubled times for kodi as nowt to stop the rest following genie attitude
could be troubled times for kodi as nowt to stop the rest following genie attitude

What possible motive would they have to do that?

Or genie tv come to that
because they can & want to i guess like why does anyone do anything in life
only passing on info sent to me as a heads up
not heard of genietv ???
surely if you dont have that addon it shouldnt affect anyone unless they got the addon
is that correct ??
If you don't have the addon or repo you should be fine. But as @alimac as mentioned others may follow suit. It maybe worth setting updates to manual and back your build up. It is always worth having a backup of your build anyway.
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I see that there is a news ticker on Wookie mentioning this situation.
I see that there is a news ticker on Wookie mentioning this situation.

If you’re referring to the RSS feed on the wookie
They are talking about the subject on this thread here

The Big Kodi switch off
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I haven’t seen any mention of genie tv by the wookie at all
Unless I’m looking in the wrong places
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If you’re referring to the RSS feed on the wookie
They are talking about the subject on this thread here

My technology is getting on a bit... universal-historic-photo.jpg

I haven’t seen any mention of genie tv by the wookie at all
Unless I’m looking in the wrong places

I couldn't see it unless it is in the optional add-on list. I disabled updates anyway, not sure what good that will do.
Can you remind how to do this please? or post link to existing instructions


There is several ways. You could use an addon like community builds or you could find the directory on your device and copy the addon and userdata folders. This option is one of the easiest. You could use adbfire and use the backup option. This option is ideal for firesticks and also can be used on other android devices.
Well it looks like there is something going on after all

But it’s only aimed at anonymous and his friends

No big deal
ukturk on way back again no doubt the rest will follow
I hope your not getting your information from Husham
i ignore that turd

info from ukturk
Thank You Guys for your support at this difficult time, we are in the process of securing things & will back ASAP thank you for your patience