Fido Puzzle


Global Moderator
Staff member
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
This will boggle your mind

Take your time and follow the instructions. After reading each window click on the boy in the lower right corner. In the last window, type in your numbers in the white box.

You will be amazed....and no, I don't know how it's done....

Quite clever this one...or am i just thick? !!!!!
That is amazing
Lets see who can figure out how its done.
This is based on the "magic number" 9
No matter what number you type into the box the answer will be 9 - that number.
e.g. if you type 6 into the box the other number will be 9-6 = 3.
vat19 said:
This is based on the "magic number" 9
No matter what number you type into the box the answer will be 9 - that number.
e.g. if you type 6 into the box the other number will be 9-6 = 3.
Well done m8 spot on
for four digit nos out of the 3 remaining there are 2 that add up to 9 and the third is subtracted from it to leave the answer.
Still good though
Am I being stupid here...?? Probably but you start with say 6382 then have 2386 leaving 3996 when you subtract. Circle 3 leaving 996 as your three digit number jumble it to make 699 then what ???

It's slightly different for 4 digit numbers but still based on the number 9.
If you add all the digits in your answer together ( e.g 3+9+9+6 = 18 )
Then add the digits of 18 together 1+8=9 you end up with 9.
in your case where you circled 3, the sum of the remaining numbers add up to 24
(6+9+9 = 24) the computer knows it must add 3 to 24 to get 27 which is a factor of 9 , ( e.g. 27 divided by 9 = 3 & 2+7= 9) so it knows you circled the 3.
hope this is of some help.
