@ Fatspanner, dish of the day


Inactive User
Jan 9, 2007
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viewing a couple of tropical fish
Hi M8. as you requested .

try this , i got this recipe from my mother who is a very good cook.


you need

2 medium onions sliced
1 and 1/2 oz of butter
1 and 1/4 lb of diced braising steak or any other steak ( dice it yourself if you cant get it diced )
2 tbsp of plain flour
1 tsp salt , 1/4 tsp black ground pepper.
1tbsp of Paprika ( get it from any supermarket)
1 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
1/3 pint of chicken stock
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 bay leaf
1 Large Pinch of Nutmeg

1. fry the onions in the 1/2 oz butter until soft but not brown, once done put into a casserole dish.

2. mix the salt, pepper, paprika, flour in a bowl, then coat the diced steak all over with it. Melt the other 1 oz of butter in the frying pan, then fry the diced steak until brown on all sides. It looks a bit mushy at this point but its ok.

3. Stir in the tomatoes, chicken stock, Tomato puree, bay leaf, and nutmeg.
Bring to the boil.
Then pour over the previously fried onions in the casserole dish and stir well.
Heat oven to 180 degrees Centigrade (350 farenheit)(gas mark 4).
put the casserole dish in oven for 1 hour 15 mins.

for the dumplings you need

100g/4oz of wholemeal self raising flour
50g/2oz of shredded suet
60-75ml (4-5 tbsp) of fresh milk

or you could use the farmhouse brand already mixed ( from any shop )

mix the wholemeal flour and the suet and season with a little salt and pepper.
Add the milk and make a soft dough.

divide into 8 dumplings, put on top of the goulash , cover, and put back into the oven for another 20-30 mins until well risen.

Serve this dish with a little soured cream poured on top
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chicken cooked in white wine

this is simple to make and most people will enjoy it.

Chicken cooked in white wine

you need.

50g/2oz Butter, 1 tbsp Oil

1 x 1.6kg/3-1/2lb oven-ready Chicken

1 Large Onion, thickly sliced, 350g/12oz Carrots, thickly sliced

1 tbsp Fresh Thyme Leaves

Salt and Black Pepper

1 Bay Leaf

300ml/10 fl.oz. Muscadet white wine, 300ml/10 fl.oz. Fresh Chicken Stock

350g/12oz Button Mushrooms

3 Egg Yolks

Large pinch of Nutmeg

1. Heat the oil and half the butter in a large casserole or pan.
add the chicken and fry for a few minutes on all sides.
Remove from the pan and put to one side.

2. Place half the onions and carrots in the casserole dish then place the chicken, breast side up, on top. Cover with the remaining onions and carrots.

3. Add the bay leaf, thyme, salt and pepper then pour over the stock and wine.
This should half cover the bird.
Add more stock if necessary.
Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 40 minutes.

4. Add half the mushrooms then turn the chicken over.
Continue to simmer, covered for a further 30 minutes.

5. At the end of the cooking time, remove the chicken to a warmed serving plate.
Lift out the vegetables with a slotted spoon,
remove the bay leaf and arrange the vegetables around the chicken. Keep warm.

6. Return the casserole to a high heat and boil rapidly for 5-8 minutes to reduceby half

7. Meanwhile, melt the remaining butter in a pan and lightly fry the remaining mushrooms. Sprinkle over the other vegetables surrounding the chicken. Keep warm.

8. In a bowl beat the egg yolks together with the nutmeg. Add a little of the cooking liquid to the eggs, mix well then stir into the casserole. Remove from the heat and stir once. Then just shake the pan until the sauce becomes smooth.

9. To serve - pour a little of the sauce over the chicken and serve the rest separately in a gravy boat.

10. you could also seve some crusty bread with it, or some garlic bread

This is delicious mate, i will be doing ot again for tomorrow night ive got some guests coming round for tea.
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I think a recipe room would go down a treat on here.
How about it admin?
Thanks m8

Nothing like some simple dishes, especially when your not Gordan Ramsey!

Would like to see a room where people can stick some recipes in also.