Sensible Topic Facial recognition


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VIP Member
Sep 5, 2016
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Watching a program on facial recognition and I've come up with a question i can't answer. The question is, if women wearing burkas are exempt, then why did a person who refused to be recognised be fined £90. Would we be able to create an anti facial recognition religion to do the same?

While were at it would be able to create a relgion that, even although we used technology, that we were exempt from any tracking or unrelgious use of our personal data?

BBC World News - Click, Facial Recognition
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You could become a Sovereign Citizen which apparently entitles you to all the benefits of living in a Country without being subject to any of it's laws. Alternatively you could have a sex change on the NHS and wear a burka. :D
What a stupid post lol .Why would a transvestite want to wear a burka or avoid facial recognition any more than your or i would?
I was supposed to read Muslim transvestite, but i reworded it incase someone thought i was having a pop at Islam. :)
IIRC one of the 7/7 bombers escaped the country by hiding under a burka and pretending to be a woman. Might've been some other terrorist incident, but one definitely used that method to escape.
You could become a Sovereign Citizen which apparently entitles you to all the benefits of living in a Country without being subject to any of it's laws. Alternatively you could have a sex change on the NHS and wear a burka. :D

No need for any change, you just need to "identify" as a woman, and claim you've done the sahadda.
......i actually thought this was a 'sensible topic' 🤪🤡
Not sure what you mean, but OK

Due to new laws, you can basically identify as anything you want. I believe there are currently around 43 different gender identities that people choose to identify as.

Slightly off topic, and I wont link it here, but there was something on ebaums world about a young man who chopped off his own balls and cock so he could be non binary. Go have a read of the article, it's a little gory tbf.