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F1 teams granted entry for 2010...(sort of lol)


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All 10 current Formula 1 teams have been included on the list of entrants for the 2010 season, though five of those are on a conditional basis. The sport's governing body has been at loggerheads with the teams' umbrella group Fota over a proposed budget cap and other plans for the sport's future.
And McLaren, Renault, Toyota, BMW Sauber and Brawn GP have been given a week to submit an unconditional entry.
Campos Grand Prix, Manor and US F1 have been accepted as new teams next season.
Ferrari, Red Bull and Toro Rosso have been granted entries, but that could now prompt a legal battle as they, along with the other seven members of Fota, initially submitted conditional entries.
Red Bull Racing and sister team Toro Rosso have also been handed an entry by the FIA, who will argue they and Ferrari are contractually obliged to be involved.
However, Ferrari have already argued the FIA invalidated a contract agreed in 2005 as president Max Mosley failed to keep his side of the deal by not consulting with the teams over proposed rule changes.
"The highlight of this is that current leaders Brawn GP, Lewis Hamilton's team McLaren, along with Toyota, Renault and BMW might not be around in 2010 if they can't resolve their current dispute with the FIA," reported Five Live's F1 commentator David Croft.
"It doesn't mean that Ferrari, Red Bull and Toro Rosso have lifted the conditions they entered with - more that the FIA have seen fit that the contract they think have with those three teams overrides any disagreement they currently have and have accepted their entry without a problem."
Williams and Force India will definitely be competing, though, after they subsequently submitted their own unconditional entries, prompting suspension from Fota.
Eleventh-hour negotiations aimed at ending the impasse between the teams and the FIA took place on Thursday.
Those talks convened after Mosley wrote to the teams last week advising them to submit unconditional entries so that they might be guaranteed a say in framing next season's rules.
McLaren, Renault, Toyota, BMW Sauber and Brawn GP now have until 19 June to comply.
If they fail to submit an unconditional entry, the FIA will return to the pool of potential new entrants as they are determined to have a 26-car grid in place for next year.
Fota wanted a new version of the confidential 'Concorde Agreement' governing the sport.
They also wanted the published 2010 regulations to be rewritten, removing an optional £40m budget cap with teams operating within it getting more technical freedom than those that do not.
They are committed to cost-saving, however, and have accepted the principle of a slower 'glide-path" down to Mosley's budget cap figure over the next couple of years.
But Mosley said that if Fota teams submitted unconditional entries for 2010, he would sit down with all the confirmed entrants and listen to their proposals with regard to the shaping of the regulations for next season.
Meanwhile, 10 new teams lodged applications to join the grid from next season.
Among the hopeful applicants were an outfit using the historic Team Lotus name, British race-car constructor Lola, and Prodrive, the company owned by former Benetton and BAR F1 team boss David Richards.
Only Campos Grand Prix, Manor and US F1 have been included on the entry list, though, meaning all seven other applicants are highly unlikely to be on the grid next season.

Looks a bit of a mess but im pretty sure they will all be on the grid next year, once they hammer out a deal to suit all.
Was looking at the entries on your post and there are a few that caught my eye!

Lola have had a few attempts before and fell on their arse, but may do better if the budgets are low.

Lotus history speaks for itself but who is backing them with sponsorship?

Prodrive makes sense as David Richards has always been good in f1 with Benetton and Honda.

I know Peter Windsor is a major shareholder of USF1, but apart from that they are pretty unknown.

Dont know much about the others yet but it looks exciting.
Lets hope they get round the table and sort it out.