F1..Hamilton bags pole again


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Jul 30, 2006
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Made in Belfast
McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton will start on pole for Sunday's US Grand Prix, after beating team-mate and world champio Fernando Alonso in qualifying.
The 22-year-old Briton clocked a fastest time of one minute 12.331 seconds, 0.169secs ahead of Alonso, to claim his second pole is as many races.

Alonso was fastest in practice and the first two qualifying sessions but was blown away in the third.

The Ferraris of Felipe Massa and Kimi Raikkonen will make up the second row.

German teenager Sebastian Vettel finished an impressive seventh, filling in for injured BMW-Sauber driver Robert Kubica.

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LOL, mclaren thought he would be a good number 2 driver, WRONG
Lewis Hamilton is proven 2 be better then alonso so far!!!
Well done , finally another brit then can win the champonship!
Legend in the making...he's gonna be massive with British public. I was never fan of F1 until he startd racing, look forward to watching him tomorrow now. C MON!

Should be nominated 4 sports personality of the year
I don't believe for 1 minute that McClaren classed him as a No.2, they are an equal team and have nursed him from he was 11, they just didnt spot him and sign him up, they invested in him and it is paying off. A brit team with a brit driver are gonna dominate F1 for years I hope, but that doesnt mean Alonso will be overlooked, he will get exactly the same treatment and is still the worlds best. Hamilton will dominate F1 as soon as he learns the tracks, its a remarkable feat that he won Canadian GP even though he had never drove the track before, not even in GP2
To be honest, the guy is young and the problem with us great british public is we love building up a personality and then bringing him down. look at jensen button, he was meant to be some great driver. think the media hype on him should be less as this will turn his concentration from a great driver to a big celebrity. i hope that doesnt happen to him cos he is a great driver. best thing since schumacher.
jenson button has never been a good driver. i've been watching F1 for years and never seen anything special in him,even when honda had the most powerful engines on the circuit a few years ago he still did nowt. whereas hamilton he's something else and really hope he goes on to be the next schumacher and dominate
Yeah another great drive by him, Alonso threatened but he never flinched and deserved to win.
britian has a nother great racing driver @last we should all get behind him well done again lewis
Remembered watching a kids programme that featured him when he was 8 yrs old, cos he was wiping the floor with lads nearly twice his age then! ( in carting)
He's British so lets be proud ( are you listening British media?)