

Inactive User
May 7, 2005
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Any chance of removing it from the cleaner then making an option to back it up like the CCcam.cfg file or deleting it ?
It is a large file but it's not fair that tm get knocked for it not working when we are deleting it.
sort of like a pre requirement for factory resetting?

i did think something like this a while back, as thats the restore file, and also noticed that jimux's cleaner script deletes it.

would be easy enough to create a script to back it up and restore it, a better option would be to host it online, and rewrite the restore script to call the file from its location, but this would require a net connection (which not everyone has) and would also only work on images that we create with the ability to do it
ive edited and updated the cleaner script in the ppanel / plugin and updated it on the server, so it now wont erase this file. i will sort out another script to move it to usb / hdd, and look at rewriting the factory reset script
ive unpacked the file that gets called when a factory reset is done, and started to look through it. the actual archives main bulk is made up of pre installed cams (mgcamd and cccam) to be reinstalled after a full reset. as these are ipk pacgakes, i can (i already have) host these externally, and change the script so that instead of calling from the unpacked archive to install, then delete, it can call from a server, then delete from its temp folder

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could easily be changed to

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which would have exactly the same end result, but would knock nearly a meg of the used memory, and wouldnt affect the factory reset procedure for the end user at all, as long as an internet connection is present

what you think?
ok, something wierd going on here.

flash an image, install the plugin, run the cleaner, do a factory reset, and wizard runs again fine, but, if i install a channel list, then do a full reset, once wizard shows in the display, i get into a green screen loop, and have to reflash

the latest version pf the dw plugin has the cleaner edited so it works exactly the same, but does not remove the var archive. i think it may also remove another needed file. ill go through it line by line, as untill i installed a channel list, everything was fine
i have had a few weird things here.
if i compile then add my channel list it works fine.
if i compile with my channel list then it goes green screen and doesn't even reboot.
I think that the image is flacky to say the least and not sure of it's long term stability.
this is without even running the cleaner.
ive started playing with the archives again, and while following the scripts, found this typo

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ive got the kids this weekend, and next week i think im away for the week again, so now we have new code to look through, im going to see how much of it can can actually get rid of
during the full compile, first the rootfs-dm archive is unpacked to rootfs, then the standard rootfs archive is unpacked straight over the top of it, overwriting everything in its way, including some things with files a year older than the newer ones in the dm archive

talk about backwards :-/