Dvblink Dvbviewer MCE tut wanted


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Jan 13, 2007
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Are there any TUT's for Windows 7 MCE using dvblink\dvbviewer and vplug ?
Already got mediaportal working with mdapifilter and vplug on winxp
But finding mediaportal a bit too unstable unreliable , so thought would give MCE another try as can now use dvblink to stream into MCE.

Cheers :banana:
mediaportal is perfectly stable using hardware cams so I can only assume instability is caused by mdapi - as you'll obbviusly be using it in your setup I'd be interested in knowing if your eventual results verify this conclusion
Dont' get me wrong when , mediaportal decrypting works completely fine with mdapi and vplug . The issue I have is that lastest stable version of MP for me is not working well with my H/W , worked fine on previous version.
Just wanted to try Windows 7 with MCE and dvblink to compare.
If I cant get that going then will wait for upcoming release of MP at Xmas and rebuild again
Dont' get me wrong when , mediaportal decrypting works completely fine with mdapi and vplug . The issue I have is that lastest stable version of MP for me is not working well with my H/W , worked fine on previous version.
Just wanted to try Windows 7 with MCE and dvblink to compare.
If I cant get that going then will wait for upcoming release of MP at Xmas and rebuild again

ive tried both setups and eventually settled with mediaportal + vplug. works fine on my htpc. its in sleep mode most nights and comes back to life in seconds the following morning. seems very stable.

win7 mce was very nice on the eyes. but using dvbviewer with dvblink was very long winded. the epg especially took me forever to map correctlty. when i was up and running it worked well. but then i had issues with codecs, as windows7 doesnt like u changing the default codecs. the system also ran at 40% with no activity. i had 2 x twinhans using dvblink.
Mmmmm maybe I'll just reload win 7 with newest ver of mediaportal then , as I also have a pinnacle dual tuner card and dont like the sound of 40% utilisation

mp isnt rated win7 compat yet (until dec release) accoridng to it's authors - so whilst it broadly speaking works dont expect it to be bug free - but then again whilst i havent played with win7 media centre yet if it's anythign like the vista one then even a beta of mp will outperform it
the latest version of dvbviewer crashes when used with dvblink.
dvblogic are currently making a standalone plugin for mce.
dvblink tvsource.
i have win 7 x64 with dvblink and dvbviewer with floppydtv and diablo cam working fine and stable odd issue where you have to restart server but really good moves my 1m dish as well if you would like some help let me know
well tried tv source - its excellent.
no need for dvbviewer anymore.
hi all is tv source compatable with cams? or plugings?