

Inactive User
Oct 9, 2005
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Don't you just hate when some idiot cuts in front without even indicating coz they want to exit the next junction on a motorway
I hate it when people pull out inn front of you and you have to break, you hit the horn and they give you the fingers, that happend half an hour ago, felt like getting out and smacking him : bat :
i get it all , i drive a truck and do so with care but its either salesmen or women(no offence ladies) who have to much on their mind and lose concentration so the turn off comes up at the last minute. i could say more but don't like to use anymore bad language
L33tpL4y4 said:
I hate it when people pull out inn front of you and you have to break, you hit the horn and they give you the fingers, that happend half an hour ago, felt like getting out and smacking him : bat :

That was me!!!:)

I hate women drivers, they got no confidence wats so ever. Today one women was doing fecking 30 on a 40 limit, and it was a clear road, silly bitch, who ever that was in front of me today I couldn't even overtake coz it was a single lane. and the other day one women went in to the back of me, and dented my bumper coz she was having an argument with her husband and didn't see me brake.

Women are over careful which can cause accidents, they need to chill out.

I can go on and on when it comes to women drivers!

Ok now i'm gonna get a roasting from all the female members on here when they read this.

: shocked2

P.s I tell my mum the same thing that women can't drive, everytime I say that I get a clip round the ear.
yup know that feeling lol I'm a taxi driver and loose count of the amount of times it happens each day. So many possible 'accidents' and all so easily avoided and when the inevitable happens to them I guarantee their first comment is " suddenly car pulled out / stopped " Rarely do vehicles 'suddenly' do anything a little 'observation & anticipation ' is all that is needed for us all to arrive home safely each day
K getting off my soapbox now lol

the old coffin dodgers in hats are the worst, i could write a 10 page about em but theyre the worst
cut up

if its not wee neds packed in a bloomin nova its some buisness type in his big merc, you paid 60 grand for it at least try and use the yellow bulbs on each side so that people behing dont write your car off and cant afford the insurance premium that will shoot up cos your driving a mortgage with wheels!!!