DVB - PC Cards defunct?


Inactive User
Feb 16, 2008
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so is it worth me getting a dvb-c card today for virgin?
ive got it on order but i can cancel now.. from the looks of these key rollouts itll either be very arsey or not work?

will there be some software to work around it or should i just cancel
you can use yankse. but you will have to update keys manually untill the autoroll issue is sorted.
IF you can get a hardcam to work and can program a mosc then it will run fine - apparently most people dont find it a problem - however in your position I would hold on for a while
i cant get anything to work... fenrir gets the new keys, but yankse does nothing with them?
even with VPlug, when i enter the new keys manualy. it still says Op Key Incorrect??

fenrir gets the wrong keys m8 - got mediaportal working happily here with correct keys in pure so nothing else is wrong (using yankse)
The keys are changing a few times a day so make sure they are latest for your area
i cant get anything to work... fenrir gets the new keys, but yankse does nothing with them?
even with VPlug, when i enter the new keys manualy. it still says Op Key Incorrect??


I'm suprised, I find it simple with vplug to update manually, try right click on the lock icon, select quick OP key editor, it will then ask for 00 or 01 key. same as you with fenrir and vplug, it does nothing with them.
i was getting the keys from fenrir m8.... wrong keys

Funny you should say that about the wrong keys, fenrir gives me the wrong 00 key (on the 10th hex number) then finds the correct one, and keeps alternating like that wrong, correct. Have you or anyone else found this with fenrir?
its part if this new emm/code thing that the CC has done... same problem on the dbox/dreambox/etc etc. just have to wait and see what happens m8..

Im using a Dvb.C card with Progdvb
with Yankse & Fenrir.

Fenrir updates the keys with 2 updates something
like this

1st update ABCDEFGHIE234567

2nd update ABCDEFGHI1234F67

as you can see there are 2 digits that are different
so you just change one of the digits till it clears : ie F from update 2 replaces 5
in update 1 if that dosnt clear replace 1 in update 2 with E in update 1
hope you get the gist

dvb issue fix

OK users of dvb cards on crappy windows systems,
If you have had your dvb setup working until the latest fiasco ,, then do the following

disable fenrir, but keep yanksee going ..

edit nagra.key

put the correct key in the right place, and save ...

if you run fenrir again , it will go off so leave it like that ..

To put a new rollover key in , run fenrir , get key put in nagrakey ..shut down fenrir ..
might be best writing the key down , then shut fenrir down, because it will change it back on the fly very fast.
pretty much everyone using dvb-c is bright enough to figure that one out - even me and I'm a moron - problem is making the damn thing AU - not getting keys
pretty much everyone using dvb-c is bright enough to figure that one out - even me and I'm a moron - problem is making the damn thing AU - not getting keys

Exactly what I thought when I read it but I couldn't be bothered to answer such a post but i will add weight to yours mate ;)