David Cameron's daughter Nancy left behind at pub


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Apr 5, 2007
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David Cameron and his wife, Samantha, left their eight-year-old daughter, Nancy, in a pub after having Sunday lunch, Downing Street has confirmed.
She is reported to have spent a quarter of an hour at the Plough Inn at Cadsden, in Buckinghamshire, before Mr Cameron returned to collect her.

Number 10 said the couple had been "distraught" when they realised Nancy was not with them.

It said the incident had happened "a couple of months ago".

The Camerons were at the pub, near the prime minister's country residence, Chequers, with Nancy and their other children Arthur, six, and 22-month-old Florence, as well as two other families.

After leaving, Mr Cameron went home in one car with his bodyguards and thought Nancy was with his wife and their other children in another car.

Source: BBC News - David Cameron's daughter Nancy left behind at pub
It was probably Clegg's job to count the children before they left, only he forgot to invite Clegg!
if this was a normal family the social services be in there like a shot
and take the child away from them for being negligence,i bet the camerons
didnt have a visit from the SS
For a start i would be sacking the bodyguards. They should be looking out for all the family. That child could have been kidnapped or worse :(
For a start i would be sacking the bodyguards. They should be looking out for all the family.(
dont matter who you are. a parent is responsable* for there children full stop. we've all been out with freinds and the kids for sunday dinner. and some of there kids have gone in are car and vice versa we still make sure there all present and counted for. well i do any way
dont matter who you are. a parent is responsable* for there children full stop. we've all been out with freinds and the kids for sunday dinner. and some of there kids have gone in are car and vice versa we still make sure there all present and counted for. well i do any way

Totaly agree but i still stick to my original post.
The belt failed but the braces shouldnt have
I take it he and his wife will one of the first couple attending his Parenting Classes nonsense!