daredevil to leap from space!!


Elite Member
Jan 21, 2008
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A WORLD renowned BASE jumper is planning to freefall to earth from the edge of SPACE.

His stratospheric mission, Red Bull Stratos, will see Baumgartner break four world records — and provide important data to NASA scientists.

He said: "I want to push the limits of what is possible."

Baumgartner will be dressed in a protective suit and flown to 120,000 feet in a pressurised capsule before making his jump.

He believes he will be able to break the speed of sound — 768mph — within 35 seconds.

In 1960, United States Air Force Captain Joe Kittinger made aerospace history by freefalling from 102,800 feet.

This achievement set the groundwork for the United States' first space program.

Col Kittinger has been advising Baumgartner on safety and bringing his extensive experience to the programme.

Over the past half-century, many have tried to surpass Col Joe Kittinger's feat but none have succeeded — and some have died in the attempt.

Baumgartner is known for his boundary-breaking projects, such as freefalling across the English Channel wearing a winged suit.

He also set the world record for the highest parachute dive from a building when he jumped from the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

BASE jumpers Nasr Al Niyadi and Omar Al Hegelan broke this record on January 8 when they leapt from the top of the Burj Kahlifa in Dubai — the world's tallest skyscraper.

Over the last two years Baumgartner has been preparing himself mentally and physically to attempt this new challenge.

His mission will help researchers document the effects of high-speed travel on the human body, and further explore mankind's ability to travel at the edge of space.

BASE jumping is considered a dangerous extreme sport. BASE stands for the four categories of surfaces jumpers can leap from — Buildings, Antennae, Spans (bridges) and Earth (cliffs).

Their jumps are broken at the last minute by small, tightly-packed parachutes.

Daredevil to leap from space | The Sun |News

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: spook :
That blokes a nutter.

Can't wait to see his helmet cam footage though :)
how the hell do you hit your landing zone from that far away though?? lol

but what a rush on the way down :)
how the hell do you hit your landing zone from that far away though?? lol

but what a rush on the way down :)

It'll be faked, same as the Moon landings, World Trade Centres, Pearl Harbour and WW2! :)
nah i seen the demolition of the world towers m8, they really did blow up (down)

Was faked mate.

I got mates in NY City that actually live in the Towers, next door to Hitler, Elvis and MOZR.
definately shouldnt do it - 2 years to prepare to take 1 step? send a baby up instead - they learn faster


This new jump will be ace to watch. I want headcam/shuttlecam/parachutecam/arsecam etc.
now this is a daredevil, sounds like an amazing stunt. cant help but think though this is not possible in that will he survive.
Wow just imagine that, seeing the curvature of earth and then hurtling down towards it as breakneck speeds. I can't think of anything more thrilling, that daredevil is one lucky guy.

Simply amazing.
how the hell do you hit your landing zone from that far away though?? lol

but what a rush on the way down :)

one of those science programs did it recently with a doll and a camera. they sent it up, from the uk, on a helium balloon. it came down very close to its take-off point. something to do with missing the jet stream. apparently at the altitude they went too, the thing was geosynchronous. so came down straight. if i can find a link, ill post it later.