Phone Unlocking d500 white screen


Inactive User
Feb 7, 2006
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hi to you all,i have a samsung d500,working fine up till today,i opened the slide up then screen faded away,now all i get is white screen,can anyone help me out with this problem,or is it just knackered..sorted the problem out you wont believe this i did a search on the net and found this (this sounds crazy but turn it off & give it a good bang on a table this happened to me & also to my friend & it worked dont be scared the phone is strong remember bang it on the battery side not the face) and it does :night:
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lol normall white screen is faulty ribbon cable or loose ribbon cable
lol good short term fix but it will go permanently eventually. so yuo might as well get it fixed now before you damage it permanently. lol
kabzy mabzy right fix it b4 you knock the screen out as well

its the flex that needs changing problem on most samsung slide or flip phones

if u do it yor self can cost you as little as a 2-3 pounds

otherwise the expert may charge 10

but banging it will ruin the phone