Critical Windows 10 October 2018 Update Bug Deletes User Files During Install


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VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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A bug in Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) causes the complete removal of certain user files during the install of the new OS release.


Judging from user reports, the glitch is encountered when upgrading from Windows 10 Fall Creators Update to the October 2018 Update via Windows Update.

Files like documents, pictures, music, and videos stored in Windows 10 libraries are deleted without any warning, and at this point, it looks like they can’t be recovered if a backup wasn’t created before the upgrade.
No fix, no way to recover lost files
known intel driver issue update now blocked till new drivers
known task manager bug fix soon
will they ever learn lol
It took four days of complaints about deleted Documents, Photos and other files and late Friday, Microsoft finally pulled the Win10 1809 upgrade. Microsoft has known about the bug for months.
Isolated reports? Awesome... that helps those that lost all

f you have manually downloaded the Win 10 October update installation media do not install bin it
We will provide an update when we resume rolling out the Windows 10 October 2018 Update to customers.

four days data collecting more like
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Did another windows update today and had to re-install Firefox!
it feels like beta testing phase has been shifted to post deployment :\