Computer Help

Hello mate,

My last link for the motherboard pointed to the Q6600 processor, I messed it up. Which board are you talking about?

Anyway if anythins says it is cooled by heatpipes on a motherboard out the box it is porbably talling about either the North or South bridge, which is ok. Your processor and heatsink will fit on perefect.

This is the one I was supposed to show you:
can someone tell me for the motherboard what is the difference between buying one which has a chipset of P35 compared to one that is X38 chipset?
please explain befneifts/disadvantages of both i want to buy the better out of these 2 but not sure which one is better?
can someone giv me a link to a DVD re-writer which is really cheap and is relativelly new :) i need it for my PC i am building but cant afford to fork a lot for it?
you have had some good advise m8 with some cracking links to good prices for possible components to your machine.

One thing that interests me though ( i am not having a go at you) is you have stated in a couple of posts you have this heatsink that you want to build a machine around.

Which to me sounds a bit strange, now a heatsink is an important part of your build but its not normally the first thing that you either buy or talk about. its bit like a house builder saying ok ive got this boiler what sort of house can i build!!

If you have a reason why you got the heatsink first can you let us know.

I hope your build goes ok and you get what u want, in all honestly the hardest bit in building your own system is this bit you are doing now the selection of the competent parts marking sure they are compatible and as upto date as possible for your budget.
hey i understand what u saying i was given the heatsink as a gift thats why i obviosuly want to build something that i can use that with?

I have still not bought my mothehrboard and wanted to know what motherboard i should go for with the ASUS range?...I dont intend to use the PC for playing games all day long and will hardly if ever play games on the PC. Can someone recommend one please? i am still unsure on whether to get one which is compatible with P35 or X38 chipset? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME OUT!

I have still not bought my mothehrboard and wanted to know what motherboard i should go for with the ASUS range?...I dont intend to use the PC for playing games all day long and will hardly if ever play games on the PC. Can someone recommend one please? i am still unsure on whether to get one which is compatible with P35 or X38 chipset? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME OUT!

Asus are now owned by or in partnership with Gigabyte I believe. Though both are more expensive then the cheaper options (MSI, Asrock, ECS, etc) their track records are good. Stick with P35 based M/b with DDR2 memory and you can't go to far wrong.

I believe main difference between P35 and X38 chipset is support for CrossFire.
i have seen some people mention about building a media centre PC what exactly does this involve i.e is it just built for gaming hd vieweing etc? i basically want to build a PC which will enable me to watch online streams really good quality and also i use adobe photoshop/illustrator a lot so would want a high performing and fast machine. i dont care on how much it will cost but dont want to splash out say 300 400 pound and then find the pc having problems after 1-2 years....i want it to last and be worth it thats why i would appreciate it if somone could shortlist some recommneded ASUS Motherbaords then i can start looking at the othr components right
Asus P5K

Gigabyte GA P35 DS3R iP35

These are about the only two boards you should really be getting, you could go higher but I think you would be wasting your money.

Also that MSI board I pointed to earlier is aimed at the same market as the above two, a lot cheaper and not quite as good, but again that would do you fine also.

I personally would go for the Gigabyte, it has a very slight edge in overclocking and performance from what I have read in the past, but to be honest both are very closely matched.

There are other flavours of these boards with slightly different variations, but I am sure these two are about what your after, some come with a letter C somewhere in their title, you do not want one of them, those boards handle both DDRII and DDRIII but for DDRIII they are supposed to be a bit naff so I would stay clear.

Also a media center is just a PC mate in nice pretty case so it blends in with your tv and stuff. It may have media center software and stuff on, maybe tv capture cards and digital tv receiver, but you can turn any PC into a media center so don't worry about that mate.
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hi can someone recommend an ASUS motherboard for me first (then graphics card) i bought the QX9450 Processor (INTEL one) and now need some advice on which motherboard to go for?

Please let me know asap...i dont need it for gaming but want a decent PC so i want quality one
That P35 chipset ASUS board digicol mentioned will be fine. FSB matches that of the CPU, i.e. 1333MHz.

Get some quality DDR2 either PC2-6400 or PC2-8500; Corsair, OCZ etc

If you don't want to game check the maximum resolution of your monitor and that is the only spec you need to worry about.
im happy to spend more then this for the motherboard if i can get a better one which will last me longer so digicoll if u know of any around 90 quid or less range let me know
Nah mate, you won't get any better than that, maybe the Gigabyte one for about the same price.

This one here is better than the other Gigabyte one as it can handle better overclocks from what I can gather.

Pointless spending £100 or so when you don't need to, your only paying for extra bolt ons, maybe eSata, Firewire, SLI etc, the boards themselves will not give yopu any performance gain.

Personally I would get the Gigabyte in this post, but the Asus would not be a wrong choice either, depends what floats your boat really.
ok thanks digicoll can you recommend me an Asus motherboard then either P35 or X38 shipset which you think is right to go for?
Well I would get the one listed above, but if you reall wnat to push the boat out then there is an X38 chipset with DDR3 ram slots for £117.

I have tried to find reviews on this board but can't see much, have found one review for the deluxe version but that was a pre production board. It got a decent review though and the DDR3 does seem to make a difference.

ASUS P5E3 AiLifestyle Series iX38 Socket 775 8 channel audio ATX Motherboard

DDR3 ram is £75 for 2gb
Corsair 2GB (2x1024MB) PC3 10666 Dual Channel DDR3 (TWIN3X2048-1333C9DHX G) XMS3-1333 C9 DHX

With delivery (I think AWD-it cahrge for delivery), the above will be about £200. But that is pushing the boat to teh next level, personally I would wait till DDR3 came down in price, but the choice is yours.

My other option would be to get the Asus board listed in my posts further up and this Patriot ram:
Patriot Extreme Performance Viper Series 4GB 2 x 2GB DDR2 PC2-8500 1066Mhz
£67.50 + postage on the ram.