Commodore 64`


Inactive User
May 9, 2007
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I still have a C64 with loads of games in the attic, what's the best emulator for the PC? I would love to play some of the old games for it, classic gaming
I still have a C64 with loads of games in the attic, what's the best emulator for the PC? I would love to play some of the old games for it, classic gaming
why dont you hook it up to you tv, if youve got the commodore 64 and games, im assuming you have all the bits datasette or disk drive, joystick..etc..takes me back a few years, i use to have, commando, raid over moscow, attack of the mutant camels, hovver bovver...yie ar kung fu....brings back memories..

try here for emulator
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Like JB says, it'll be more fun on a real TV assuming you still have one that can lock in on a fairly poor signal, but failing that another emulator is - SFW :)
Cheers guys for the links, as luck would have it I still have great portable than can hook up the 64. I'm gonna hook it all up and probably play :-

Bruce Lee
Raid over Moscow
Beach Head 1 and 2
Hovver Bovver (class)

I have 500 or so games, blast from the past