Colin Mcrae DIRT

Hi i am interetsed in trying this game. Did you download it if so where from?? if poss i site with quick download speed.

thanks in advance

I got it from Blueyonders news servers.

@ Full speed (as newsgroups are)

Make sure you graphics card suppost shader model 3.0 as you will waste alot of time if ur gfx only supports shader model 2.0

As my m8 found out, heh!
PC beats a console any day, consoles are good though to a point, if there was a way to use the xbox 360 wheel with PC playin DiRT it would be the shiz for sure, xbox 360 wheels beats any other wheel on the market for pc or console, the sensitivity on it is acurate and force feedback isnt the cheapo crap ya get in a arcade machine, bro in law has 1 and he said is near like driving a car lol
Hi i downloaded this game and go to install it but there is no setup.exe but there is regset.exe this then goes to try and install pick the directory then hit next to see error 1014 unsupported type encountered in registry opperations. Any one else had this problem or how to get round it.

Thanks in advance