Coca-Cola legal threat over Relentless restaurant sign


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Jan 28, 2007
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Coca-Cola legal threat over Relentless restaurant sign

BBC News - Coca-Cola legal threat over Relentless restaurant sign

Coca-Cola claims the restaurant sign is too similar to its Relentless energy drink logo Coca-Cola has threatened legal action against a Hampshire restaurant - named Relentless - claiming the steak house's sign breaches its trademark.

The soft drink giant claims the Relentless Steak & Lobster House in Southsea breaches the trademark on its Relentless energy drink.

Owner Scott Matthews, 24, said he was "gobsmacked" at receiving a 17-page legal document demanding it be changed.

He said the restaurant was named after his father's fishing boat.

Mr Matthews said the lettering on the sign had been written in an "Olde English" font on his home computer.

Coca-Cola has given Mr Matthews until 9 November to remove or redesign the restaurant sign, which it says looks too similar to the branding of its energy drink.

Mr Matthews said reprinting the sign would cost £700 to £1,200. But he added he was confident of winning any legal battle over the trademark.

Mr Matthews insists the restaurant logo is different to that of the energy drink "There are too many differences in it - I don't see how you could get the two confused," he said.

"It's just ridiculous really... we'll fight it all the way."

Coca-Cola confirmed it had contacted the Relentless Steak and Lobster House, which opened in March, and requested that it redesign its current logo.

A company spokesperson said: "We believe it bears a strong resemblance to our Relentless energy drink design and that this may lead to consumers thinking the two are connected.

"In line with our trademark rights, we take action to protect our brands and to avoid consumer confusion."
While I can see that the writing is "similar" it is in no way the same, and the fact its got "lobster and steak house" under it should remove any confusion !!

If indeed his fathers fishing boat was named "relentless" and was presumably around before the drink, then surely they really do not have a case... yes c-cola have trademarked the name but does that not only apply for uses of similar products ?

The way I see it, its just another company with too much power throwing its weight around !
Not even similiar really, keeps the lawyers in food I suppose!

it looks similar but unless their steak and lobster keeps you awake and comes in cans i cant see it causing coca cola any finantial damage, so dont see the point in them beign bothered
what a load of crap.

just because they are a big company they think they can bully others..

same thing happened to my mate the other week...

my mate runs a garage, his second name is harris, so he named his garage,

harris on ford, as in the actor harrison ford, which i thought was very clever and it has been named that for years.

then ford got wind of it and threatened legal action against him too, so he had to drop the ford part. what a joke ....
no it looks similar. there arnt any squiggly lines on the lobster place one but they are both a similar font.
Coca Cola are needing a kick in the balls for this nonsense.

Big corporate lawyers making arses of themselves as usual.
Big money company with nothing better to do than pick on hard working people trying to make a living, looks nothing like the drink logo barring the R, what a load of rubbish.
Not even similiar really, keeps the lawyers in food I suppose!


totally different fonts, though from the same family. no case to answer. but then, when has it stopped the greedy wankers before?
Great publicity for thr resteraunt owner though and will coca cola go all the way and sue little business man.
Dont think that would promote company very well
Ah FFS, wish I had read this thread an hour ago !

Just wrote a long email to Coka Cola complaining that my can of blended flavours, carbonated water , caramel and phosphoric acid tasted nothing like lobster !

I was obviously confused.
