Cirashi Sushi


VIP Member (Resident chef)
Oct 8, 2010
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The lost land..
The cirashi is one of the traditional dishes of Japanese sushi, the base is always cooked rice for absorption and with the classical reduction of vinegar-wine-sugar and salt that gives the typical sweet taste to the rice itself and that it combines well with the raw fish.
In cirashi usually use meaty fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel, swordfish, yellow tail and shrimp which are usually used over the rice, for richer versions there are also the presence of omelette wrapped in nori seaweed and octopus.

Ingredients for the CIRASHI

Round grain rice 300 gr
Rice vinegar 10 ml
Rice wine (sake) 10 ml
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Salmon 200 gr
Tuna 200 gr
Swordfish 200 gr
shrimp 12
Avocado 1/2
Water 500 ml

Soy sauce q.b
Wasabi q.b
Ginger in vinegar q.b


First, you need to weigh the rice and rinse well under cold running water until the water remains not completely clear; leave now rest the rice in the colander for 15 minutes.
Pour the rice in a pan with 500ml of water and bring to a boil, lower the heat reached the latter to low and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated.
Meanwhile, prepare the reduction by combining in a small pot, rice vinegar, wine. rice or rice wine, sugar and salt and cook until sugar and salt have dissolved, set aside.
Transfer the cooked rice in a pan edges low and well wide because now is the time to let it cool: pour slowly on the back of a wooden spoon or spatula, the reduction in order to spread it well on all the rice and helping always with a spoon spread the rice so that it takes much air as possible, and ideally also waved with a fan or another tool that can do air, so that the vinegar evaporates quickly and rice to cool slowly. This is a critical step for the success of the rice, which will tend to be sticky, but rightly so.
Proceed to cut slices from the slice of salmon, tuna,and the sword trying to deduce all of the same size; cut even of very thin slices of avocado. Arrange the rice in individual bowls and 4 above, to your taste, lay the slices of fish and avocado last in the fresh shrimp. Serve with soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.