Carrey Is New Bionic Man


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Jul 5, 2001
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Seventies TV hit The Six Million Dollar Man is to become a blockbuster movie, with Jim Carrey playing the bionic man.

Carrey and his team are to turn it into a wacky send-up of an action movie, according to Variety magazine.

The original show was a worldwide hit, starring Lee Majors as Steve Austin, who was rebuilt after being badly injured as he crashed a test plane.

Road Trip director Todd Phillips will start work on the film after Carrey finishes working on a remake of Fun With Dick And Jane, in which he stars alongside Cameron Diaz.

Austin gains superhuman strength and speed - as well as incredible vision - when he is fitted with robotic "bionic" parts.

At the beginning of the show, a voiceover said: "We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man.

"Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster."

The show prompted a generation of youngsters to copy the slow motion running sequences used by the show while humming the theme tune.

Phillips has already been working to revive another well-loved '70s series for the big screen.

He has directed the movie version of Starsky & Hutch, starring Ben Stiller and Snoop Doggy Dogg
i had the toy as well m8,i remember you could look through steve austins eye and take out the computer in his arm and also my cousin had the enemy but i cant remember his name but he was bionic as well......... :) the good old dayz...... :flame:
i loved it :)

but will jim carry do it justice ??? thats another story ... i do hope so
Another flippin example of how to wreck a good old series I just cannot see Carey as Steve Austin. And who will play Jamie Sommers(bionic woman)and the there's the dog and the boy. As for the remake of starsky and hutch.Did u know that David Soul suggested the idea and even wrote a plot for it. They said no and then a few years later did it anyway.But in souls plot it was set 20 years later when 1 of them was still on the force but the other had left and had issues with goverment,police etc. They finally met again at a protest and this time they were on opposite sides of the law.I think it had the makings of a good movie but instead they made this version with stiller and whoever.What a load of pap.So lets hope they don't bollox up Steve "the man" Austin or as they say at the start "alive barely a man" I'm sure thats it.
trouble is cuz carrey will be playing austin will everyone be expecting a comedy and if it aint can he pull off a serious part to make the film work,i say they should find someone else even though i love carrey films i dont think this part is for him....... :rolleyes: