CAPITA group to go after poll-tax victims.

that's an interesting post,
as i'm one of the people on there hitlist.

i got some more info from my contact,

they didnt purchase the debt,
they plan on collecting on behalf of councils for a fee of some kind.

personally i hope they drop this crap,
but knowing hat company i wouldnt put anything past them.
are they involved in digital switchover?
i didnt know that.
All I've seen mentioned on the board other than this thread is this one:

Just found out that the Poll Tax is apparently covered by Regulation 29 of the Community Charge (Administration and Enforcement) Regs. 1989 (as amended 1991).

so I guess that proves there is no hope of the council recovering this money.

Mask, who ever your under cover spy is - how many councils do you think will pay for this 'debt' to be recovered - based on the fact that by law they cant and they would have to pay someone else to get it as well as pay for any legal action required?
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all i can tell you about capita is that they dont care much about the law - they are so deep in government corruption that they probably would get away with hardly a fine if anything at all.

as for dealings with councils - they already handle the accounts for all london bourough councils - so they have the preverbial "foot in the door" for offering crap like this.

how many would take it up? well if they are offering to work for a cut of the returns the councils cant lose.
so it may be pretty damned high.

that's if they are stupid enough to do it - they already got sent a nailbomb recently for handling the street camera contracts :)
I think everyone can sleep safe in bed.

All you naughty people who didnt pay their poll tax 14 years ago, how could you!! ;)

Thankfully, as we dont live in an orwellian fantasy land, you dont need to scrimp for xmas.