can swapmagic be copied or d'loaded

The amount of members that use swapmagic all have originals so i guess its a no for copying it m8........ same with the downloading of it i guess
zoo is right m8 these discs cannot be copied,new ones every time so be gentle with them lol
lol, I think you can copy it but you need the original to play the copy lol...
no they can not be copied ! f you look underneath the cd it has different stop points no home made dvd writer can write these at all !
No available software is currently available to burn bad sectors but i have a hacked version of hd advance which is the same thing really
Sorry am I wrong? But from my understanding it was those bad sectors/stop points that cant be replicated that distinguish an original game from a copy and those stop points are searched for when the game is started as they cant be replicated if they arent founds the PS knows its a copy and wont let it be played, this is where chipping comes in or swap magic where it lets you play games without these bad sectors??? All games not just swap magic have these errors/bad sectors/stop points which cant be reproduced which the PS looks for when playing the game. So a replica of Swap magic would not play because the copy wouldnt have those bad sectors, thus you would need swap magic or a chipped PS to play a copied swap magic??? I have seen swap magic as a bin download on quite a few sites, so im sure it could be copied but because the disk that you create wont have those bad areas the PS would detect that it was a copy, im sure the disk can be copied ignoring the bad areas but it just wont play... My original point was just that it could be copied but it wouldnt play unless it was used with a chipped PS or an original swap magic to swap the copied swap magic :)

Anyway just my thoughts sorry if im wrong...
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Ive downloaded this myself and it never worked and when I got the discs first thing I done was tried to copy them , now I cant remember exactly but I think I might of managed to burn one or I might be getting confused with the one I downloaded either way that copied one never worked ;)
so be careful with them and dont scratch them lol
My hd advance are burnt in the same format and i have downloaded a hacked version of this and it works as my original
c9679: you are exacty correct.
you need a chipped PS or SwapMagic to play the copied Swapmagic disk. sort of beats the point.

There is another way of getting it to work.

If you get the independece exploit install on your memory card to run CDLoader when exploited. Then insert an origional cd until it reports that CD is good. SWAP cd for your copied SwapMagic disk (without pressing eject button) and the copied SwapMagic will boot. Likewise, you should be albe boot any copied cd or dvd with this method.