Call of Duty 2 - HELP!

lol, damn, so i need to reach certain areas before a specific time?

How you doing Cydine mate, not seen you around for ages :)
Not bad m8. Crawled out of my hole for the keyroll malarkey but will probably disappear back down again.

Completed Vegas 2 yesterday for the 1000. Roll on GTA IV.
I've made the 1st two checkpoints, I'm now trying to fight my way along a darkly lit corridor infested with twats with AK-47s :(
I've made the 1st two checkpoints, I'm now trying to fight my way along a darkly lit corridor infested with twats with AK-47s :(

PMSL... Good luck mate ;)

Seek out my CoD4 thread as there are pointers in there with regards to this level... held me up for ages that level.... far worse to come though mate... wait until you get to that fookin' bonus mission :( lol
TBH I didn't think mile high club was that hard. I beat it in about 1hr.

Probably just fluked it tho :proud:
I've had to walk away from it for a while... not played it for weeks lol. It was doing my nut in... I made it to the final terrorist holding the hostage once and pretty early on but didnt make the head shot... thought I would be able to do it again pretty soon after but wasted fruitless hours and ended up with a blood pressure that might have put some peeps in a coffin and I suffered a brain meltdown through shear frustration hence the need to walk away for a while. lmao
Exactly what has happened to me but on a different level, that 'No fighting in the War Room' level is bonkers, there's just too many maniacs!


Time to walk away and come back another day.
Exactly what has happened to me but on a different level, that 'No fighting in the War Room' level is bonkers, there's just too many maniacs!


Time to walk away and come back another day.

LOL....thats a bitch of a level that no fighting in the war room lol... had me banging my head against a brick wall for hours lol. Where abouts do you restart from mate? at the part where the main tunnel is blocked and you have the choice of swinging right or left just before the blockage?
Do you mean the barricade after the 3rd checkpoint, I think that's what you mean, I can go left or right down a short corridor to what looks like a missile silo. Getting into the left/right corridors is difficult as i used all my frags and i've only got 2 flashbangs left :(

I've also only got about 5 and half minutes left :(

Sorry for double post, but the EDIT function doesn't seem to be working.


Earlier you suggested that I have a look at your COD4 post but i don't seem to be able to find it mate.
Do you mean the barricade after the 3rd checkpoint, I think that's what you mean, I can go left or right down a short corridor to what looks like a missile silo. Getting into the left/right corridors is difficult as i used all my frags and i've only got 2 flashbangs left

I've also only got about 5 and half minutes left

Time isnt an issue mate or it wouldnt have thrown you the checkpoint :) ...all of the checkpoints on this level are time related and if the game mechanics deem you to have enough time left to complete the rest of the level then you get the checkpoint ;)

You need to be going down the right corridor mate... take out the first couple of guys that come running down the main tunnel and then quickly get up to hide behind the small piece of wall that sticks out from either side where the corriders are. Head for the piece on the right first...and Dont use your flashbangs as you need 2 more later on when you reach the war room door and the war room itself mate(sorry to make things even harder than they are lol). What gun do you have? hopefully you have the grenade launcher jobby as this comes in handy. Anyway when you get to the little piece of wall sticking out that marks the entrance to the right hand corridor you want to lay down facing the corridor to the left and inch your way right a little but dont go too far or you'll be exposed to the fooker waiting to shoot your ar*e from the right hand corridor lol. Make sure youre looking down your scope and just very gently tap your left stick right until you can see fairly well down the left hand side corridor... you should see 1 or 2 guys waiting down there too shoot you but if you inch across really gently you should be able to scope them with a kill before they are alerted to your presence lol. Once you've got the guy down there you need to do the same with the guy in the right corridor...just turn around and inch your way out fractionally at a time until you can see him and either scope him or grenade launch from your gun if you have it. Once you've got him you need to get down that corridor quick mate and keep your gun firmly fixed on the door to the left as a couple of guys often steam out of there too mate. Lay down again and inch your way across to the big circular pillar in the middle of the room but again keep scoped down the new corridor from where the guys just run out of as there are more of the fookers hiding down there. You should see at the end yet another room with a big circular pillar in the middle much the same as the one you should now be pretty much hiding behind although still laying down and still just able to see down to the new room to scope kill any enemies down there. again when you're satisfied that the room is clear run down and again keep your gun focosed on the door to the left and do pretty much the same thing as you just done with the first room only this time when you've killed the enemy at the end room you wont be running down to there because you get half way to it and turn right and legit down and through a main doorway where there will be a big explosion but one of your team mates will close a hatch and seal it to save you... run up to the the big double doors in front of you and theres a short cutscene. Basically gaz will open the doors for you but they seem to take forever but when they do open place yourself to the left side and as the door opens far enough you want to throw a flashbang in there and bolt in to the room on the right...there is only 1 guy in there and you'll see him straight away as the room is glass all the way round on the upper half...obviously shoot the fooker as you run in there and lay down straight away and use this opportunity to get your health back as you probably took 1 or 2 shots running in there lol. now stand up and clear out the rest of the enemies and your team mates actually help you for once here lol. when the room is clear run out of the room you were using for cover and head in to the centre of the room and you should see a tunnel on the right going down a few steps... head straight down here go to the end and plant your c4 on the wall to your left and stand well away when you set it off lol. It will blow a big hole in the wall and this leads into the war room...toss your remaining flashbang in and then storm it and take out the enemies and enter your code into a computer terminal on the right hand side of the middle isle... timer stops mission complete...well atleast the main part....when you've done that give me a shout mate and I'll see what we can sort for the rest lol. Or if you get stuck with any 1 part in particular before you get that far obviously you know where to find me lol

oh...and Good Luck mate :proud: lol
What a great wee guide that is, cheers mate :)

I've only got an AK-47 and a RPG with no ammo!! - PMSL :)

You made that sound really easy. :)

I was trying something similar but I was crouching instead of going prone so i was exposing more body area for them to pop with bullets. You say that time isn't an issue, so does that mean i can ignore my clock from now on and I'll get checkpoints as normal or do i still need to rush to get them?

I feel more confident after reading this :)
What a great wee guide that is, cheers mate

I've only got an AK-47 and a RPG with no ammo!! - PMSL

You made that sound really easy.

I was trying something similar but I was crouching instead of going prone so i was exposing more body area for them to pop with bullets. You say that time isn't an issue, so does that mean i can ignore my clock from now on and I'll get checkpoints as normal or do i still need to rush to get them?

I feel more confident after reading this

Glad you like the wee guide mate... took me fookin days of going over the same things over and over and over but each time memorising that extra little piece until I was able to get the whole way through lol. Just goes to show you how many times I done it as its still firmly hard wired to my brain lol. ;)

An empty RPG and an AK-47 just isnt gonna cut it for this part of the level mate pmsl... its absolutely imperitive you get something with a scope or those corriders on the right are going to be near on impossible lol. The first thing you want to do when you start dying over and over is atleast stick to a set way of starting out whereas the gun you want is going to be easy to get each time because as you will have noticed by now when you get killed and restart you'll go straight back to having that empty RPG and the AK-47 every single time lol...atleast you know you need to lay down to clear those first corridors now and that this is where you can grab a decent gun.

I'm amazed you say I made it sound really easy :eek: lol... I read back through it to spell check and to run back over things in my head and it seemed like I'd made it sound harder than it probably actually is :err: lol.

I know I said time isnt an issue but it is...kinda like the mrs when she says no but she really means yes ;) pmsl ...what I meant was that you seemed worried about only having 5 and a half minutes left but what I was saying is dont worry about that as an issue because you must have enough time left to complete the level otherwise you wouldnt have got the checkpoint mate. I had 5mins 33secs on the clock when I got this checkpoint as I see that displayed more times than I ever care to remember pmsl. Basically still have to worry about the clock lol... I'm not sure if you get any other checkpoints from here now either as I never did...I really did think I was going to get another one at the big doors cutscene if I got there quick enough but I fookin' didn't and reached those doors what was probably more than a hundred times only to go steaming in and get shot lol (then realised I needed to fook a flashbang in there through the gap before steaming in to the room on the right lol)... I had to basically go from where you are now all the way through to entering the codes on the computer in the war room but thats not too say that if you do it quicker than I did that you won't get thrown another bone lol...

Those CoD games ROCK on Veteran difficulty don't they mate... I never ever played any of them on any other difficulty setting and jumped straight in on Veteran and played them back to back starting from CoD2 through to the mile high club on CoD4 and I will get around to beating that fooker eventually lol. I will admit that I went back to find some intel on an easier difficulty but it was horribly easy...I'd even go as far to say it was a completely different game.

Anyways I'm glad you're feeling more confident... lets see how confident you're feeling after another few hours of the same frustration pmsl.

Good Luck and keep us informed...
I've restarted the level as the AK (although very powerful) has no scope and has loads of recoil, it also need loaded every few seconds.

I've got a
scoped thing with very little recoil and it's much quieter, I'm also got 4 flashes and 4 grenades - and another 10 grenades on my gun! :)

I flew through the bit where the clock first starts ticking, hammered the guys in the kitchen/cafeteria area and made the checkpoint in the stairs at 7
20 seconds :)

Having the proper kit really makes a difference in this game....they can stick their Kalashnikov up their arses!
LOL....thats the spirit mate :proud:

I had 7 mins 20 odd secs on the clock too when I reached the stairs checkpoint...I didnt know I was supposed to go through the kitchen though and gung-hoed it down the corridors to the left but hey-ho...same outcome :) lol.

Definately an agressive level this one mate and yes having the proper kit is a big bonus :)

I'm off to bed now as I'm fooked but I'll obviously check back in later to see how you got on mate :)
I went to bed just after i typed that and I've not played COD4 yet, so I'm still at the same checkpoin.

I reckon I'll do it fairly easily (confidence) as even though i only had that banger of a Kalashnikov I still managed to make it to the War Room - with 8 seconds on the clock, lol Things should be a bit quicker now and I've got those lovely grenades and flashes to use up along the way :)
You'll get there mate :) ...I'm absolutely sure you will...your confidence must be infectious :) lol

I still can't do it, pmsl. I've lost count of the number of times I've reached the War Room but i've never got enough time. I'm starting with 5 minutes 50 seconds on the clock so I've definately got enough time to do it, my main area of trouble is right at the beginning of the 3rd checkpoint, I can sometimes do it easy then other times I'm left picking bits of myself off the floor, if only I could do this initial bit a little quicker I'd be ok......I think.

LOL... I had a set way of taking out those first few guys and done it same way every time. I launched a grenade up almost straight away to take out the first 2 that come running down and then grenade launched left corridor doorway and right corridor doorways before running up behind the wall and laying down to snipe the sneaky ones in the corridors ;) Sometimes I missed the first few with grenades and had to shoot em instead but got there in the end lol. The time killer for me was all that laying down and inching towards the centre pillars while sniping those buggers down the end of the halls lol. Atleast you had the forewarning of the C4 you plant on the wall when you eventually get there..I was so excited at having actually made it that far the first time I got there I didnt stand far back enough and blew myself up :wtf: pmsl

You've certainly got plenty of time left to do it if you can speed up a bit as at 5 mins 50 secs you have 17 more seconds to do it than I had and I lost count of the amount of times that extra few seconds would have got me through ;) lol.
LMAO, i did the same thing the 1st time i got there, i was so flustered that i placed the C4 on the wall took 2 steps back and clicked the trigger!

Also, I didn't realise that you need to kill everyone in the entire area before your team will join you at wall.

You don't happen to know where the next checkpoint is supposed to be mate, if i could aim for that and have an idea of the time i need to reach it it might make things easier :)