Call of Duty 2 - HELP!

LMAO, i did the same thing the 1st time i got there, i was so flustered that i placed the C4 on the wall took 2 steps back and clicked the trigger!

Also, I didn't realise that you need to kill everyone in the entire area before your team will join you at wall.

You don't happen to know where the next checkpoint is supposed to be mate, if i could aim for that and have an idea of the time i need to reach it it might make things easier :)

LMAO... I warned you about the C4 in the wee guide... fookin heartbreakin' getting to that wall only to blow yourself up isn't it ;) lmao.

The wee guide also told you when you get into the room on the right and have got your health back to stand up and clear the rest of the room out lol...awww if only you had read it properly :proud: pmsl.

Also mentioned in earlier post above there is no next checkpoint mate as far as I am aware...I never got one...had to do it from the start of the tunnel where you are now right through to entering the codes mate lol. This is a checkpoint though :)
I got about another TWO checkpoints mate, maybe even more, I can't remember as my nerves have gone COZ I JUST FINISHED THE GAME ON VETERAN! :)

To be honest i don't even think i did anything in your guide, you know what it's like, you have it in your head what you're gonna do but once things get hectic the plan goes out the window and you just try to stay alive, lol.

This is how i got past the 3rd checkpoint...

Launched a grenade at the two guys in the corridor then stormed in, took out a guy coming from the right then melee attacked a guy coming from the left. I then dropped to prone and took out the guy at the far end of the right corridor then turned around and took out the guy on the left (as you said, this WAS actually quite easy once you get the hang of it). I zoomed along the right corridor and flung a grenade just as the wee baddie was coming out the tunnel, that took care of him, I then flashed the corridor that he came out of and dropped to my knees and took out 3 guys pretty easily. I then went prone right at the entrance to the corridor and picked them off one at a time, when i thought i had got everyone i launched a grenade just to make sure ;). At the bottom of this corridor there was a wee prick hiding behind the pillar and he nearly killed me, luckily in my blind panic i somehow managed to kill him :) I then looked down the last bit of corridor before the exit stretch and saw 2 dudes, I grenaded them, killing one and i took the other one out with my rifle. I then said **** it and sprinted to the junction were the corridor leads to the doors, luckily i had managed to kill all of the naughties (as far as i know) so i made it no problem.

At this point I thought i wasn't going to get a checkpoint and i was pissed off but next thing i knew . . . .....CHECKPOINT REACHED appeared in the top left corner, I let out a scream of utter joy and the wife nearly shit herself, I then proceeded to jump out my chair and do a silly dance around the living room.

The rest of the level was piss easy in comparison to what had come before, infact the rest of the game was pretty easy in comparison.

I had a look at the Epilogue mission, that looks brutal, I'm not sure wether or not I even want to attempt it.
I got about another TWO checkpoints mate, maybe even more, I can't remember as my nerves have gone COZ I JUST FINISHED THE GAME ON VETERAN!

To be honest i don't even think i did anything in your guide, you know what it's like, you have it in your head what you're gonna do but once things get hectic the plan goes out the window and you just try to stay alive, lol.

This is how i got past the 3rd checkpoint...

Launched a grenade at the two guys in the corridor then stormed in, took out a guy coming from the right then melee attacked a guy coming from the left. I then dropped to prone and took out the guy at the far end of the right corridor then turned around and took out the guy on the left (as you said, this WAS actually quite easy once you get the hang of it). I zoomed along the right corridor and flung a grenade just as the wee baddie was coming out the tunnel, that took care of him, I then flashed the corridor that he came out of and dropped to my knees and took out 3 guys pretty easily. I then went prone right at the entrance to the corridor and picked them off one at a time, when i thought i had got everyone i launched a grenade just to make sure . At the bottom of this corridor there was a wee prick hiding behind the pillar and he nearly killed me, luckily in my blind panic i somehow managed to kill him I then looked down the last bit of corridor before the exit stretch and saw 2 dudes, I grenaded them, killing one and i took the other one out with my rifle. I then said **** it and sprinted to the junction were the corridor leads to the doors, luckily i had managed to kill all of the naughties (as far as i know) so i made it no problem.

At this point I thought i wasn't going to get a checkpoint and i was pissed off but next thing i knew . . . .....CHECKPOINT REACHED appeared in the top left corner, I let out a scream of utter joy and the wife nearly shit herself, I then proceeded to jump out my chair and do a silly dance around the living room.

The rest of the level was piss easy in comparison to what had come before, infact the rest of the game was pretty easy in comparison.

I had a look at the Epilogue mission, that looks brutal, I'm not sure wether or not I even want to attempt it.

Get in there mate...well pleased for you :proud: I know exactly what you went through to get that game completed mate so you got my respect ;) lol. As for that epilogue mission it is brutal but definately do-able... I did actually get to the hostage once but fooked the shot as nobody had told or warned me that it could only be completed with a head shot on veteran difficulty. I tried it a sh*t load of times after but you know how you just get more and more wound up so I had to walk away for a while lol... that was weeks ago but I will go back and do it soon enough :)

Once again...Well Done mate :Clap: Just gotta wait patiently for CoD5 now cos I've a feeling no other game in this genre is gonna match up to the CoD series

out of interest where were the other 2 checkpoints? I got 1 at the computer terminal when you enter the abort codes and another at the garage part I think but like I said...I never had any between the checkpoint you were starting from and the computer terminal code entry... had to keep doing all that in 1 hit.
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I can't remember the checkpoints after entering the codes mate, I was talking about checkpoints BEFORE you get to the war room.

I got a checkpoint just before the big doors started opening and another one just after you blow the hole in the wall or maybe it was just before i blew the hole.
I can't remember the checkpoints after entering the codes mate, I was talking about checkpoints BEFORE you get to the war room.

I got a checkpoint just before the big doors started opening and another one just after you blow the hole in the wall or maybe it was just before i blew the hole.

I know you was talking about checkpoints BEFORE you get to the war room mate lol... thats why I asked where they were ;) I was curious because I never managed to trigger any between the start of the corridors and the computer terminal code entry.....Sh*t me I wish I'd have got 1 just before the doors lol... Bet I reached those doors fifty to a hundred times if not more :eek: Its almost kind of insulting giving you another either before or after blowing a hole in the wall considering the doors were your start point and the computer terminal code entry was the finish point and a checkpoint lol.