Button will he stay or will he go??


Inactive User
Mar 15, 2005
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crossing the start/finish line
SO Button wants to 2 stay at BAR,cant blame him as williams goal posts have dramatically changed since contracts were signed last year, frank is probably holding out 4 a big compo pay out which bar will pay no prob.
looking back at williams history they have always sh*t on their british drivers even when they've brought home the title! ie, mansell & hill.
so i say stick to yr guns jense you dont want to be driving around midfield in a cosworth v8 next year as ferrari , mclaren, n renualt will not compromise on their factory v8 development, you need honda power as much as the team want to keep you!
but thats my opinion im sure theres lots of other views out there.
Button NEED'S to stay at BAR if he want's a shot at the title next year, honda are putting a shed load more invest ment into that team. I think Williams are just trying to hold onto him as a meal ticket to keep sponsor's happy as they know they will be challenging Mindardis next season.
its all down to money in the end..........

were have the peeps gone who do it for the love of the sport...?.....