Buttercup 2.5.1


VIP Member
VIP Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Buttercup is a password manager for all your accounts in Windows, Linux, Android, and Google Chrome.

Did you know the most popular password out there is... password? Yes, really. Many people write down their passwords to this day, and often they change them and forget to make the changes. Often they use very similar passwords, so when they need a password, they never wrote it down. And then there's losing the paper with all your passwords, or my favorite, having a piece of paper somewhere in the house when needed, for example, the cable and internet guy who leaves this information on your receipt.

Stop the madness and get a password manager. It takes no longer than it does to write it down, and you can always have a backup. Buttercup is one such choice.

From the main screen, you can open an archive and create a new archive and load from cloud services, including DropBox, OwnCloud, etc. No account is needed.

You can now create a new entry using Title, Username, and Password. You can also create custom fields. Buttercup can also suggest some pretty complex passwords for you as well. Click Save, and you've created your first password. Be careful if you create a field and leave it empty, as it will cause an error.

Buttercup also allows you to create categories. For example, you could create categories for credit cards, social media, bank accounts, games, email accounts, and anything you want. These categories make it easy to find your password should you have a lot of them.

Buttercup isn't rocket science. It simplifies the saving of all your passwords without trying to do more than it needs. If you want to keep track of your passwords, look no further than Buttercup.
  • Secure
    Strong 256bit AES encrypted vaults that meet today's security standards. Rest assured that your credentials are safe.
  • Simple
    Easy-to-use interfaces with basic concepts make storing and finding your login details a piece of cake.
  • Free
    Buttercup's software is free to download and use, forever. It's also available for all major platforms

v2.5.1 - May 23, 2021

❗️ This release contains an important stability update that addresses vault merging when auto-updating in the background. Some vaults when merged would have their change addresses rewritten so that merging would break during the auto update process. It is highly recommended that all users update to this version immediately.

Windows x64 https://github.com/buttercup/butter.../v2.5.1/Buttercup-win-x64-2.5.1-installer.exe

Windows x64
Portable https://github.com/buttercup/butter...d/v2.5.1/Buttercup-win-x64-2.5.1-portable.exe

Mac https://github.com/buttercup/buttercup-desktop/releases/download/v2.5.1/Buttercup-2.5.1-mac.zip

x64 https://github.com/buttercup/buttercup-desktop/releases/download/v2.5.1/Buttercup-mac-x64-2.5.1.dmg

Linux https://github.com/buttercup/buttercup-desktop/releases/download/v2.5.1/Buttercup-linux-x64.AppImage

Buttercup for Browsers - Chrome, Firefox

Google Chrome Buttercup

Mozilla Firefox Buttercup – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)