best image?

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Does the new BH 2.0.1 work with cloned v2 boxes?
hi i downloaded bh 2.02 on my vu+ uno original,this would be a great image if i couuld install ts-panel, but it look like they
won't let you transfer external ipk files, would a personal backup solve this problem, thanks dave.
hi i downloaded bh 2.02 on my vu+ uno original,this would be a great image if i couuld install ts-panel, but it look like they
won't let you transfer external ipk files, would a personal backup solve this problem, thanks dave.

try to transfer the, ts panel 6.0 ipk file
I've only used the VIX image for about 6 months now and its been great, few crashes tho but i put that down to dodgy plugins
tried all images available on my vu+ solo and i can safely say that the best out there is openpli (always latest)
I just updated to the latest blackhole 2.0.2 Rev C from 1.7.9 on my Duo and i cannot fault it.
Great image. Ive tried Vix but i just thought it was to plain and boring.
I use blackhole 2.0.2 Rev C from 1.7.9 on my Duo and it working good same as hargreaves1
Closed thread as I'm sure the OP has got his answer without people post clocking their preferences
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