[DM800SE] BCM 4505 v Rev 401A tuner, what is best


Inactive User
Jul 29, 2007
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Hi Guys,

Was just wondering what was the best out of these 2 tuners as you can get a dm800se with the option of either one.

I know on the dm800hd, the best one to get was the alps rev m tuner, but what about the 2 above for the dm800se?

Sounds familiar yes I believe the 401A is the ALPS tuner from ther 800HD Non SE recievers. The 401A also has a output on it. The BCM tuner only has a single input.
As far as which one is better I dont think theres much difference I havent had any issues with the BCM tuner so not sure what benefit the 401A would bring.
Well I've used both tuners but in their respective boxes and didn't notice any problems but there again I have a larger 85cm non sly dish so my signal is always around the 95%+ mark.