bbc iplayer (napster) vpn

Well it's a good way to let anyone that didn't know about it know how to do it lol
Shame all those options are blocked at my work.
VPN's have been around for ages now so it seems a bit strange they are only now being publicised. If you do a google search you'll probably find hundreds of VPN providers ranging from free (usually not too good) providers right through to setups costing several hundred $ per month.

Generally, for TV streaming (ie pretending your in the US/UK/Europe) you can find a suitable VPN provider for $5 or less per month for a 3-4Mbit/sec connection. Alternatively, you could perhaps rent your own virtual private server for $10-$20 per month and use part of its capabilites to set up your own VPN system.

The main problem with VPN systems is that they only move your geographic point-of-presence to another location. So you could, for instance, appear to be in the US. If you wanted to also have the facility to appear in a third place you would need to also have a VPN originating in that third place so to have the ability to appear in multiple places could rapidly become quite expensive. Some VPN providers will often let you choose from a selection of presences in various countries/cities but again, such facilites add to the cost.
ultra surf works really good and its fast :D


also if you still cant access a video change the time to usa time and run ultrasurf ;)
