Baby on Board Morons

Lunatic on the roads, lunatic on the forums lol : Proud:

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I have a baby on board sign in the back of my car, it makes no difference to how other people drive.

In fact it probably makes other drivers worse as they assume you are driving slowly because of the baby so come right up behind you and try and overtake you at every opportunity.
One thing springs to mind...

...I had the snip 25 years ago so I will NEVER need said sticker!

One thing springs to mind...

...I had the snip 25 years ago so I will NEVER need said sticker!

Nobody is safe H we are all doomed, get yourself one of these for your car mate and wear it with pride. :)
Since you HAD an Audi, but switched to a BMW I will be charitable and say you didnt like the Arses starting to drive Audis, so switched to BMW as they were starting to get a better rep.:ur the man:
Lots of sweeping generalisations going on in this post which, I expect, are no more true than my previously held belief that all BMW drivers are t@;ts! What tends to happen is, because we have this belief about BMW drivers or people with baby on board stickers, we unconsciously look out for the ones who confirm our beliefs whilst not noticing the ones who disprove it. For example, there is usually at least one BMW driver ready to confirm the belief by undertaking, driving up the arse of me or whatever but what I wasn't noticing, because it didn't meet my beliefs, were the number of BMW drivers who let me out of junctions, acknowledged me when I let them out, let me filter into traffic etc! I suspect the same probably applies to baby sticker car drivers. It is human nature to look for things to reinforce your own model of the world. Most of us will have had 'one of those days' where everything goes wrong. What tends to happen is something does go wrong early in the day, you say"it's going to be one of those bloody days" and then spend the rest of the day looking for things going wrong to reinforce the view you are right! As you do that of course, you fail to notice all the things which go absolutely fine. I was taught to refer to it as 'picking up sticks' which I think is a good analogy.
Just my ramblings, for what they are worth but I wonder if they strike a chord with anyone?

Great post mate :thumbup:

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Lots of sweeping generalisations going on in this post which, I expect, are no more true than my previously held belief that all BMW drivers are t@;ts! What tends to happen is, because we have this belief about BMW drivers or people with baby on board stickers, we unconsciously look out for the ones who confirm our beliefs whilst not noticing the ones who disprove it. For example, there is usually at least one BMW driver ready to confirm the belief by undertaking, driving up the arse of me or whatever but what I wasn't noticing, because it didn't meet my beliefs, were the number of BMW drivers who let me out of junctions, acknowledged me when I let them out, let me filter into traffic etc! I suspect the same probably applies to baby sticker car drivers. It is human nature to look for things to reinforce your own model of the world. Most of us will have had 'one of those days' where everything goes wrong. What tends to happen is something does go wrong early in the day, you say"it's going to be one of those bloody days" and then spend the rest of the day looking for things going wrong to reinforce the view you are right! As you do that of course, you fail to notice all the things which go absolutely fine. I was taught to refer to it as 'picking up sticks' which I think is a good analogy.
Just my ramblings, for what they are worth but I wonder if they strike a chord with anyone?

Only just noticed this post but its a good one and im certainly guilty lol
Well I use the M25 for my daily commute to work. I need to get home so I just cut infront of a fair few lorries and.............oh my sweet lord! some of those hand gestures from these drivers are appalling! They really should use a "Napster on board" sticker
im white van man in the week, and black BMW on the weekends, i may sometimes 'creep' a little over the limit, but, i stay left, and the highway code allows 'undertaking' where 'traffic to the right is slow moving'. i do not change lanes 'to undertake' and i refuse to change lanes 4 times to pass them because some w@nker wants to cruise in the middle lane at 55/60

the 'sign' on my van changes (when the rain washes the dirt off lol) but is generally things like 'hows my undertaking? stay left' or 'hows my driving? freefone 999'

people generally stay away from the car, as it had LEDs in the front grilles, a non standard aerial on the back and hazchem compressed gas sign