Atmega Image Trouble on HD V+


Inactive User
Oct 8, 2005
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Hi Peeps,

I've been trying for some time now to get my HD V+ box up and running, i have done all the mods and am stumped at the last hurdle of getting the card sorted. I live in TW area and have tried using the same flash as what my pace is using, but to no avail.

I program the card and insert it in the box and it takes about 30 seconds then the box re-boots itself, it goes thropugh the boot process to th VM screen (AP52) then does not get to (AP53), it then re-boots again and again and again......

There is good signal to the box, as it boots fine without the card in it, the bk & ird are correct, net id etc all ok.

Running out of ideas, been using atmega mega flash image from various sources. Does this image have to be altered in any way to work with the TV Drive box or is there a specific image out there? Is there anything i could do to the image myself??

Thanks in advance for your imput, i have asked simalar question in another thread, but it has dried up a bit now.


have you changed the frequency and symboll rate in the EM to your area ,as your box is stuck in a false update loop

have you changed the frequency and symboll rate in the EM to your area ,as your box is stuck in a false update loop


Hi, the freq, symbol rate are spot on, as they should be. I have got the box to do a genuine update when i zapped the net id and pin via the atmega method. Like i said the box boots fine when no card in it and i get bbc 1 bbc2 etc. Just this atmega image/card doing my head in.:arrrr:
I would say you have set the wrong net id for your area. If it was in a false update loop it would be running through a load of nombers like h708 h709 etc

What area r u in?

Sorry just read it properly and noticed it works with no card. Talking shite again I guess!!! Have you checked the card is paired ok in em?
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Just a thought. What happens if you boot up box with no card and then insert it after it is running ok?
I would say you have set the wrong net id for your area. If it was in a false update loop it would be running through a load of nombers like h708 h709 etc

What area r u in?

Sorry just read it properly and noticed it works with no card. Talking shite again I guess!!! Have you checked the card is paired ok in em?

Hi, card is paired in em, the first 512 chip i fitted i flashed it incorrectly thus false update h708, h709 etc, the net id got set wrong, so i fitted another blank one and flashed it correctly and hey presto it did update genuinely. In Wigan area 40967
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Just a thought. What happens if you boot up box with no card and then insert it after it is running ok?

Hi again, tried that every way possible, its like its the flash on the card thats the problem, if i just prog the exteep with bk/ird its fine, will sit there all day long no prob, but as soon as i put flash file on it thats when i get this problem. Tried different sources for the flash, no luck, there all the same, work fine on my pace 1b.
presumably you only have an atmega at hand? Cant try a fun or mosc?
presumably you only have an atmega at hand? Cant try a fun or mosc?

Hi, had a mosc but i messed the dates up and cannot unlock it again in nagra, need a tut on how to unlock it again, tried xncs, rom studio, mron, but no info on how to use them. Only got atmega, but it works fine in pace box, so can't see the problem, prefer to use atmega and somebody said that v+hdtv drive box can use atmega, am i missing something??
Hi, had a mosc but i messed the dates up and cannot unlock it again in nagra, need a tut on how to unlock it again, tried xncs, rom studio, mron, but no info on how to use them. Only got atmega, but it works fine in pace box, so can't see the problem, prefer to use atmega and somebody said that v+hdtv drive box can use atmega, am i missing something??

Right, i've tried a new atmega, still having same problem as before, the re boot cycle, does anyone have a working box v+HD with hard drive working on a card? Was told atmega works fine but not so sure now!? What cards have peeps on here got running on their boxes (V+HD DRIVE)? Give me some ideas please, Starting to get a bit fed up with this now, got two moscs i can't re-open.
Right, i've tried a new atmega, still having same problem as before, the re boot cycle, does anyone have a working box v+HD with hard drive working on a card? Was told atmega works fine but not so sure now!? What cards have peeps on here got running on their boxes (V+HD DRIVE)? Give me some ideas please, Starting to get a bit fed up with this now, got two moscs i can't re-open.

Update, i have done it now, there was a small matter of the cam id! However i guess Mr parsnip had figured this out, i had put the keys in the image to give it a fighting chance, but to no avail. I have NEVER put a cam id when using an atmega!! Strange!! I hope this can help anyone who has had this same problem, its a lurning curve!!