Are these collars cruel?


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VIP Member
Jun 1, 2001
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we have a Yorkshire Terrier who barks at a hamster fart, and can be annoying.

if we take her out for a walk, she barks at anyone passing, she barks at bikes.

she barks at the neighbour when he shuts his door opposite our appartment door.

i wanted an electric shock collar but after reading here i thought it could be cruel.

but then there are these which don't have a shock just a high frequency.

anyone know where i can get them cheaper before i create my own 240v dog shock collar lol
your barkin up the wrong tree just get a BB gun, when it barks shoot it.. this is why i got rid of my dog to the relatives.. peed me off.. now its fine and grown up and doesnt bark.....

Have a look her for shock collars,

TBH i dont think your local pets at home will sell this as it could cause uproar with animal rights etc

i also think your best bet would be to get one off an american site..
i got my dog a little space helmet to wear.
now when it barks i cant hear it.

i got mine sent over from japan

get some odd looks when out walking it though :err:

i wouldn't think they were cruel, if they were i dont think they would be allowed.

at least your dog will learn to shut up.

surely it must go off sometimes with just a loud noise.

dont turn the hifi up full blast or you may be taking a small pile of ashes out for a walk :Laugh:
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They normally bark for a reason, remove the reason and barking stops, lol. Don't know about electric one but I tried a one that gave off a sonic signal, my dog loved it lol didn't stop him barking though lol
If she barks then that is because she thinks she is the leader of the pack, she is setting the standard for protection. You need to re-train her and let her know you or the missus is the leader and that you are in control of any situation that should arise.

Check to see if shes saying something to you.....

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pmsl I've not seen that for a long time. I'm sure its scoot with his yorkshire terrier with a yorkshire accent :Hit:

Highlander! I think they used one of them collars on dog borstal m8.
lol, i say to her when she is barking "Millie, shut up or Dog Borstal" i geta stupid look off her.
just watched that video lagigolo, she even growls like that dos when you go near her toys lol.

i'll show the mrs when she gets home.

i seen remote control shock collars, but i think that is really cruel....funny...but cruel, as i can even myself after a few bevvies watching tv, and coming to turn it over and tv stays on channel, but dog barks , so i bang remote in hand and press it again, still tv stays on same channels but dog yelping LOL
dont know if this works, but someone once told me to fill up a spray bottle and add a tiny amount of lemon juice, and each time the dog barks spray it with the liquid and shout no at it

apparantly the dog will soon get the message that if it barks it gets sprayed

didn't try it myself and ive still got a yelping barking whining dog pmsl
dont know if this works, but someone once told me to fill up a spray bottle and add a tiny amount of lemon juice, and each time the dog barks spray it with the liquid and shout no at it

apparantly the dog will soon get the message that if it barks it gets sprayed

didn't try it myself and ive still got a yelping barking whining dog pmsl

thats just coz it wants a sip of ya voddie b;)
Ill be reading this with a lot of intrest H
as I have a Border Terrier and he has started the last 6 months barking at the slightest noise :( and it really gets to u so I know what u mean

it all started when a dog went for him in the vets and its just getting worse
get a littlr plastic bootle quarter filled with pebbles or similar then shake it when the dog barks,thye dont like the noise,it may get the message,cheap and worth a try
tried that
he barks at the bottle
it can be very annoying mate, i know. my dog sits in the hallway and barks at everything that passes the house, pretty bad as its a main road lol.
then she falls asleep and snores her head off.....i don`t know which is worse