Apple TV

Not got one but if its apple probably pretty limited compared to other similar items..
Not got one but if its apple probably pretty limited compared to other similar items..

I'm unsure of exact models but XBMC can be installed to it which opens it up.

Yes I'm still n XBMC FanBoy :)

Only 720p
The new one is pretty good, If you are using it with stock OS then it is limited to what your itunes can send to it or what you can push to it on your ipad/phone.

There is an XBMC written from scratch for the ARM processors that can run as an option on the menu once the unit has been jailbroken (early days though XBMC ATV2 is pretty much stable and feature rich.)

The only reasons I didnt buy one last week are
1 It dosent do 1080p (too weedy) even with xbmc
2 it will take a full ATV2 kernel decrypt to enable NFS shares (unlikely) - default is samba and my nas is too weak to run an nfs and samba server reliably

If your looking for network streaming and you dont mind the cap on 720p then the ATV2 is the best looking and quietest thing that can run xbmc.

If you want all the bells and whistles (and dont mind messing with scripts, minimal linux and xorg conf / fstab play then a nettop like the acer revo is a better option - you will get loads of support on tweaking as a few members run this option.

If you want a box with a drive and its own remote (to save on lirc) then the asrock ion 330 is the tool for the job. There is a custom iso that has xbmc running perfectly on this device so its not that hard to set up

Xtreamer is launching an "ultra" machine that looks like XBMC holy grail. Given that the company is xtreamer though expect it to be flawed in countless ways (its pre order at the moment)
PMSL that sums up my post in 3 lines:Fish:

Yes but I will be pointing those that would understand to your post. :)

I've been asked quite a bit recently about appletv n your post sums up the technical perfectly I agree with you in every way would not be my pref of hd media player but has merits and would not recommend against.

The problem is in general the people who ask about atv have gone down the apple route in some way ipod/iphone and therefore apple way of doing things (The Gui)it's perfect for them it extends a familiar enviroment, I go off about the merits of xbmc (I prefer this Gui) when really you have to be prepared to put in the time to get exactly what you want not settle for what apple resticts you to n thats not everyone's cupOtea n I understand why.
I also have the ATV2 with xbmc on it MH and its good m8 I have gone from a full htpc to this and tbh it does what it says on the tin plays my .mkv's and AVI :)

If you do get one be careful as the 4.3 update xbmc has a few issues at the moment....

pixmania might be the ones to use depends if they have old stock or check AVF out for a good second hand one...