Sensible Topic Anyone else feel like a mushroom?

Him Her

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
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North Yorkshire
Like kept in the dark and covered in bullsh1t?

"Cardinal Keith O'Brien resigns" - due to inappropriate touching apparently...

"Lord Rennard accused of inappropriate touching" ...

Is something going on we should REALLY know about???
I saw one of the women making the complaint about Lord Rennard on the News this evening and she was saying "I was sat by him talking to him and he touched my leg and my knee" now if this is the extent of "inappropriate" this complaint is ridiculous !!
Watch many of the Talk Shows etc on TV and you will see this occur in almost all of them.
As for a Cardinal touching up trainee priests well it makes you wonder if they are called semenarians for a reason.........opps that should have been seminarians.
Maybe his excuse is that he was teaching them what to do with the choirboys.
Astounded by Alex salmonds comments on Cardinal K o'B
Its akin to saying we should not forget all the good work J Sav done or lets not forget how good G Glitter was at making records. Your a disgrace Mr Salmond :(
Astounded by Alex salmonds comments on Cardinal K o'B
Its akin to saying we should not forget all the good work J Sav done or lets not forget how good G Glitter was at making records. Your a disgrace Mr Salmond :(

Alex Salmond has only one objective - take Scotland out of the UK - I feel for my Scottish mates :(
It wont happen m8 (well i bloody well hope not)

Fingers crossed...he's (Salmond) not a DW member? Sorry, a bit cryptic there ;) Salmond is so intent on his own agenda he forgets that his electorate just want the same as many voters...