Any doc's around advise needed for a dear friend.

Mr Parsnip

DW Member ++
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
In a house
Hi everyone im after some advise for a very good friend who i think needs serious help.

At christmas i saw a old pal who i hadnt seen for about 2 years since then i have kept in touch and slowly saw the amounts he drinks

i am after a doctors opinion pls or sum1 who has been in or around this condition.

My friend has got a drink problem he drinks 1 litre of vodka a night with coke which he puts in a large jug and fills with ice while he is watching tv everynight.

His complection has changed totally from years back his face is red/plum colour he has put weight on, his nose this gone rounded at the end etc

Now the main problem is he has now got constant pins and needles in the end of his fingers he says he carnt feel a newspaper when tries to tuen the page etc.

Now i feel he thinks he hasnt got a major problem but i know he has all i would like to know is how bad is he actually ie is the pins and needles a major sign of anything in particular? is this common?

i know i will have to get it through to him but he is one of these hard types to get through to.

He doesnt work at the moment like myself all gone quite on the construction front :( But when he does gets bits of work he can stop etc,so would u say he has a condition?

any help would be much appriciated especially about the pins and needles

Mr P
Hi everyone im after some advise for a very good friend who i think needs serious help.

At christmas i saw a old pal who i hadnt seen for about 2 years since then i have kept in touch and slowly saw the amounts he drinks

i am after a doctors opinion pls or sum1 who has been in or around this condition.

My friend has got a drink problem he drinks 1 litre of vodka a night with coke which he puts in a large jug and fills with ice while he is watching tv everynight.

His complection has changed totally from years back his face is red/plum colour he has put weight on, his nose this gone rounded at the end etc

Now the main problem is he has now got constant pins and needles in the end of his fingers he says he carnt feel a newspaper when tries to tuen the page etc.

Now i feel he thinks he hasnt got a major problem but i know he has all i would like to know is how bad is he actually ie is the pins and needles a major sign of anything in particular? is this common?

i know i will have to get it through to him but he is one of these hard types to get through to.

He doesnt work at the moment like myself all gone quite on the construction front :( But when he does gets bits of work he can stop etc,so would u say he has a condition?

any help would be much appriciated especially about the pins and needles

Mr P

Hi mate,

I am not a doctor, but medically qualified.

The pins and needles sounds to me to be a circulation problem, which would be a result of the drink.... although, could be a genetic heart problem, Artery disease etc.

He has to want help before any will be given sadly... and has to admit he has a problem.

He is clearly consuming too much alcohol to what his body should be taking, so is making his organs work massively overtime.... Again, relates to circulation.

Are the whites of his eyes off color ? Does his skin have a yellow pigment at all ? Does he shake that you have noticed ?

Hope that helps a little.
Hi mate,

I am not a doctor, but medically qualified.

The pins and needles sounds to me to be a circulation problem, which would be a result of the drink.... although, could be a genetic heart problem, Artery disease etc.

He has to want help before any will be given sadly... and has to admit he has a problem.

He is clearly consuming too much alcohol to what his body should be taking, so is making his organs work massively overtime.... Again, relates to circulation.

Are the whites of his eyes off color ? Does his skin have a yellow pigment at all ? Does he shake that you have noticed ?

Hope that helps a little.

his eyes are normal mate and his skin is more red color then yellow but i must admit he does shake when handleing things but not enough where it stands out?
Fluid retention can cause pins & needles type sensations and is often associated with renal failure
Fluid retention can cause pins & needles type sensations and is often associated with renal failure

Spot on mate, that was the next path I was going to follow lol :)

He needs to go see a doc asap mate and get his body systems checked...! a body mot if you like, also another issue... his body is so full of alcohol atm, if he just stopped drinking outright after a long stint... he can cause more problems then.

He needs to see a specialist mate.
i am oing to sit him down tmoz and tell him to go the docs etc i think he thinks its not that bad but im sure he will see that im not messing around.

thanks for all the replys.

Mr P