Another poor result for the Arsenal


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VIP Member
Mar 29, 2005
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Well - I watched the Fulham - Arsenal match last night. Once again a bad result!!

The match itself was good to watch - plenty of action, bookings,and endevour but, all the brightest moments came from Fulham.

Once again Monsieur Wenger made some surprising changes to the lineup - Hoyte in for Eboue (in fairness not Hoyte's worst game) Song in for Fabregas, Flamini in for Clichy??

Henry looks unhappy - almost bored - a couple of flashes of his old self but nothing really like the player he really is. I wonder if he regrets staying??

Gilberto used to run the midfield but he looks out of his depth at the moment, Hleb and Rosiscky both seem to be willing but no cutting edge!! Mid way through the second half Arsenal resorted to long balls.

6 or 7 Arsenal players booked with Senderos getting 2 and sent off. Not one of the bookings was even dubious - cynical fouls after their man had gone past them - like they are off the pace!!

We were well down on goal attempts - about half of Fulhams.

For Fulham's first goal the defending from a corner was shocking. The second goal was a piece of skill by Boa Morte to feed the ball to Radzinkski but Flamini was poor at the back stick!!

I dont know what the answer is - the way things are going, on current form we coud see ourselves beaten by Spurs, dumped out of the Champions league by Porto before we even face Chelsea in a fortnight!!!

Good players dont turn bad overnight but my theory is that Wenger whinges so much that its rubbing off on the players. They are going out with such a chip on their shoulders that they just cant play. Like last night, Wenger blamed fixture congestion?? Whats wrong with just saying that the players didnt perform?? Every week its the same old thing - Pardew celebrated too much , Bolton kicked us too much, pressure of the new stadium etc...

There needs to be a spark - the team need to realise that they cant just go out and expect teams to roll over - Sam Allardyce has shown other teams the way forward - give em a bit of stick and they will roll over.

Im not in despair yet - Im still believing that someone is gonna get a real tonking very soon!! What bothers is me is another season struggling to qualify for the champions league again - if we fail it will have a big impact on the club - they are bankng on the money generated to pay for the stadium.

If we dont qualify they will cut their cloth accordingly and that will impact on buying players and possibly selling someone to balance the books. I cant imagine there is not a big Spanish club that hasnt got its eyes on Fabregas and a £10 million bid if we dont qualify might be enough!!

Anyway - I am now the founder member of W-SM !!(Wenger-stop moaning) but i dont want to have to start WO - (Wenger Out!!) not least coz I dont think there is anyone much better about !!
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Ya man I feel what you are saying, I would also like to say it looks like they were concentrating on other matches, what ever happened to the next game is the most important. I must say though Wenger is not a man to slat his people in public, if anyone knows respect he certainly does, he doesn't have to say it to know it. We are also missing muscle & I am not just talking about Viera, we are missing our English players who are now gone.
yeah wasnt a good game at all for Arsenal was watching that last nite on ART sport, even after the free kick goal they didnt play any better, hopefully they play better for the spurs game on Saturday.
I know what you mean about not airing his comments in public - It would be refreshing for him just not to moan and deflect from the reaL problem all the time!!!
well in my opinion its the worst we have played but fulham was outstanding :)

every game i have moaned because we was the better team and for the first time this year against fulham it was not true, wenger made plenty of mistakes and rested people and showed little rerspect to fulham and if you show any team a lack of respect they will try there best and in our case punish us

but our points dont relfect our performance's so far

fulham i hold my hands up and say we lost to the better side but you wont get me saying that for any other game so far this season!!!!

Mickie D
i'm starting to get worried!!!!, i was hoping for a position higher than last year, but dont think will be fact we may fall outside the top 4 (god forbid) .......its crunch time now with a game with Totenham then porto then chelsea. I hope Wenger knows what he is doing......Get some midfield presence FFS!!!! we are turning into a bunch of wimps
no british spirit. no heart im afraid to say. forget viera you missing campbell BIG time.

i cant see arsenal wining the league with ths team ever. chelsea and man utd have physically and mentally strong players. in defence and midfield.

arsenal are way behind
I personally would take the money for Henry right now and give lupoli and bentner or stokes a crack, senderos will be quality but need time to mature and read the game he reminds me of a young Tony Adams right now.
this may sound like a knee jerk reaction but right now I am pissed off
I personally would take the money for Henry right now and give lupoli and bentner or stokes a crack, senderos will be quality but need time to mature and read the game he reminds me of a young Tony Adams right now.
this may sound like a knee jerk reaction but right now I am pissed off

its nice to see so many gooners on the forums ;)

its only a game pal dont let it piss you off!

as for kabzy lmao what a pile of crap lol, apart from fulham we have smashed teams had goals disallowed hit the woodwork in most games 3 or 4 times.

and heres how crap we ARE

we have had more shots on goal than any other team in the premiership this season


you need a bit of luck to win anything (thats a fact aswell i.e the extra time in the champions league final when you beat the germans!!!!!!!!!!) and we dont have any luck at what so ever.

and because we have had no luck they have lost confidence in themselfs they are young and need time to mature (man utd aint won nothing for fooking years and they are at the top now but anything can happen and if you win nothing this season fooking hell will it ever come ?)

dont get me wrong i want utd to win if arsenal cant as chelski billionaires is boring everyone.

mickie D
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Does anyone know much about this Stokes? Mate of mine reckons he is scoring loads of goals in Scotland??

Ok just checked - he is at Falkirk and has scored 11 goals in his last 7 games and has 12 for the season so far - get him back!!!!
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they wanna take back bendtner he is smashing it for bruce
bendtner looks like a player that could give us a real plan b
nah mickie trust me arsenal wont win the league. youre right they do play the best football even a blind man can c that. lol

but theres no stubborness to gettin the result. look at chelsea they grind out the results. where as arsenal play good football but its as if the result is secondry to this,.
nah mickie trust me arsenal wont win the league. youre right they do play the best football even a blind man can c that. lol

but theres no stubborness to gettin the result. look at chelsea they grind out the results. where as arsenal play good football but its as if the result is secondry to this,.

i never said arsenal will win the league lol

we will be lucky to come in the top 4 :(

what i was saying was not about how they play footie either lol, but more the pulling my hair out at our bad luck (some kinda jinx on us and the emerates).

only the fulham game this season have we deserved to lose.
Strengthen Plan A

bendtner looks like a player that could give us a real plan b

Arsenal do not need a plan B they need to get the core of the periphery sorted like set play from corners, stop trying to run through a brick wall all the time. They are good at what they do, just need some variation by using the whole pitch.
I must say though it does look like Wenger is trying to fast track some of his younger players which may of been the cause for the over playing of the ball.

@langland, Theo Walcott is English & he has been picked. Remember that the best English players are some of the most expensive. I don't think Arsenal have payed more £16M for a player & the players they buy sell for more than they paid, hence the new stadium. It's called good book keeping.
I personally would take the money for Henry right now and give lupoli and bentner or stokes a crack, senderos will be quality but need time to mature and read the game he reminds me of a young Tony Adams right now.
this may sound like a knee jerk reaction but right now I am pissed off

I think I will jerk my knee back in now Henry looked more influential on the bench than he has on the pitch for a while