[almost] Free Flights


Inactive User
Jun 20, 2005
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From anotehr forum..........

L'Oreal have a new offer in Boots, you have to buy a Couleur Expert hair colour, approx £9.75 in Boots and you can apply for a FREE return flight to Europe or the USA, have to pay the taxes though.

The offer excludes airport taxes and you can take a 2nd passenger for £88 return to Europe or £199 return to the USA.
Choose from: Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Barcelona, New York, Boston or Washington DC.

Receipts from purchases made in Boots or Superdrug between Sept 1st and 20th Nov 2005 inclusive are needed as well as the front of the promotional leaflet.

Flights have to be taken by April 30th 2006 (Europe) and March 30th (USA)
Flights are from London(?) or Manchester only.

3 alternative destinations and 3 different MONTHS of travel will be requested.

Lots of small print on the back of the leaflet, some of it above but thought it might be of use to someone.
Secret Lady is offline Reply With Quote
Excellent find mate ...... just when im planning my hols for next year.

Nice one!