Alien vs Predator

Im half way through downloading dantes inferno now this game has good reviews lets see what its like huh :proud:
i was really excited about this game, should spend the 40 quid on bills instead then?? :(
If anyones having trouble with wave 4 games using iextreme1.6 Ive stuck a boot disk in the downloads section works a dream much better then patching and going through the hassle of abgx reading :proud:
It's not the best FPS I've played, but the original version on the PC a few years ago was a decent enough game, so I reckon I'll persevere and complete this one too.
if the single player campaign is the same as the PC, the marine missions seem like a poor Doom3 clone (and it's a 16GB install.....FFS!!)
i can officially confirm this game is crap .
Ive just finished this game and its average-5/10

it could have been alot better,the story is good though......