Ali Firmware Tool HD/Clone By AnonymouSX Build 192

Thank you for your answer.
May I get any software like this.
Do you know that?
Please recommend......
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at this stage of the game you have to do everything manually;extract the maincode and decrypt which can be done with the tools available.
More important would be finding the ali sdk v4 that the firmware was made with,the ones available on the net are too old and are for the old ali processors.
APP init ok
MC: APP init ok
<< SDK4.0ba.4.2_20110225 >>

Libcore version [email protected]_20110615(gcc version 3.4.4 mipssde-6.06.01-20
070420)(Davy.Wu@ Thu Jun 23 09:04:16 2011)

Libplus version [email protected]_20110615(gcc version 3.4.4 mipssde-6.06.01-20
070420)(Davy.Wu@ Thu Jun 23 09:03:30 2011)

Application version [email protected]_Sab_S2_20110622
you are trying to hack an operating system don't forget,ali tds2 rtos.
like trying to hack windows itself instead of a program that runs on windows.