adding music to avi jpeg video.......


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VIP Member
Aug 8, 2009
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hi guys, found this earlier on and trying to build 1 myself for my revo wmc.

Custom 20th Century Fox Intro - YouTube

now iv installed blender and have sorted my custom intro, hopefully. its busy rendering as i type, but what i need to know is how can i add the mp3 of the 20th century fox music to the video, not really done anything like this before, and also i plan on using this so it plays on my windows media centre before the actual movie starts, anybody actually messed about with this stuff before, cant really find how you integrate the custom intro into windows media centre so that the intro plays before the movie you select.

any help, tuts, or guidance on this would be great.
ok guys well iv worked out i need my movies to be able to play the custom intro, which is just an addon for wmc, thats not a problem, i currently use media browser ill just have to swap programs, but im still stuck at adding the intro mp3 to the avi jpeg video so the 2 play together as 1 file, surely someone must do this, which is the best or easiest free program to do such a thing!
is this right
you have a avi of a film etc and you want to add music/intro @ the beginning of it?
no mate, iv got a custom intro built, its in avi jpeg format, and with "my movies", which is an addon to wmc you can set a custom intro so it plays before each movie you play, so all im trying to do is merge the avi jpeg video with the 20th century fox music iv downloaded, the intro is only about 19 secs long, just need to add the music to it!
Windows Movie Maker - cheap and cheerful.

Export as AVI. it will be BIG mind, u could always use Freemake to shrink it to divx or something
think it needs to be an avi jpeg file or avi raw for it to work in my movies addon, im gunna test it on my laptop with my movies before i actually mess about with my revo, the intro is still rendering from last night and the eventual size is around 950mb, still another hour or 2 till its complete i think as its rendered 478 of 600 frames so should be done by tonight before i can actually try to merge the files. what will happen will it add the mp3 file to the avi file so its just 1 file as an avi, is that correct!
import the AVI, drop it into the time line, add the MP3 to the timeline then export as full DVI (not WMV)
import the AVI, drop it into the time line, add the MP3 to the timeline then export as full DVI (not WMV)
thanks mate i shall give it a go once its finished rendering and iv made a couple of backups of it incase it goes wrong, will report back later, thanks!
import the AVI, drop it into the time line, add the MP3 to the timeline then export as full DVI (not WMV)
how do i export this as a full avi mate, cant seem to find it at quick glance, managed to get music overlapping it though!
Vegas video is mint (but as MOS has said it's a case of dragging the video and then adding the audio and then extracting it)...might be worth a look, I've used it for ages and ages and that and you can make videos and export in any kind of format you want take your video that you made and then add it to the "time line" then drag the mp3 that you want under it, it's really the top end of video editing/making like, and it takes a little bit of getting used too, once you have it installed (you have to follow the tut correctly or you'll bugger up the install, it involves the old "install and crack and patch and crack and patch etc. etc. lol or you can buy it, it's around about £800 quid, or you could maybe grab it from a *ahem* torrent)

Don't expect to be able to use Vegas video over night though mate, it's the top end of the spectrum, if you do get stuck i could always fire it up and sort it for (in between everything else that i have my paws on at the

How ever, it's cool and you can make some wicked videos, it's not going to be some thing that you can use ASAP though, bit like when you 1st open photo shop and you confronted with a barrage of options and things that you just have no idea on what they do, it can be frustrating, but like with everything, the more you use it the better you understand it.

Good luck mate!

I'll keep an eye out for your intro at the imax! :cool:

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cheers dibs but that software sounds way over the top for what i need like, right iv managed to save the file as a wmv file with the music in it, now all i need is an easy free program to change from wmv to avi while keeping the quality good as its gunna be shown on my hd projector through the revo, any suggestions as to whats a good 1 to use!
iv got windows live movie maker and it doesnt seem to have anything to convert to avi so im busy looking for a free app to do this for me!
Movie maker would always let me output as AVI, maybe that was the old one!

Get Freemake to convert it to what u want
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iv just downloaded movie maker 2.6 i think it is, and that has indeed got the option to save to dv-avi, but the output for this is only 720x576, only i made it in 1280x720 so im guessing the quality will decrease if i use this option, which id rather try and keep the hd quality so it looks good on my projector, however im gunna try at this size and see what happens!

EDIT: oh well iv tried that and its lowering the resolution too much and it just ends up looking crap, whereas the wmv 1st copy looks nice and crisp and lovely quality, any apps that will keep the resolution while changing the file to avi!
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AVI only supports 720*576, it's not a high def container.

does the intro-thingy only want .avi's?
This is an awesome idea! im having a look now to see if xbmc can do it too

edit - it can, I may have a crack too
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heres my video so far, for some reason the t's have a little error in the render somewhere but i can live with it.


    9.4 MB · Views: 5
mintos! love it!
took about 15 hours for the full thing to render, lol, only bogey is now, i prefer media browser on my revo, yet you need my movies to be able to play custom intro's, so it all could of been for nothing, ha, but i enjoyed making it none the less, gunna have a go 2moro see what my movies is like!
Hi mate, did you get any further with this?? I tried it ages ago but didnt get very far lol