Adding a bouquet ??


Inactive User
Oct 13, 2009
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I've been using dreamset to edit my channel lists as I can only go as far as 15w before I hit the wall to the house.

I normally d/l the cajton@ motorised channel list via the blue button, open it in dreamset and remove all the Sat's past 15w and write back to box.

Now although the 28.2e list is ok in motorised one I've found a better 28.2e list (tonedeffs) which I want to send to my box and still keep the rest of the sat lists that came with the cajton@ list but when I write back to the box it just wipes the old list and just puts on the new 28.2e list ......

Any ideas as I could go about it, the box is a tm600
Hope that makes sense

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here's how i change/add bouquets to lists

open dreamboxedit twice.
open my list in one and list you want to use in other.
got to my list and click on bouquet you want to copy
then click onto the "TV User Bouquet details" section and press "ctrl + a" on your keyboard.
that will select all channels, then right click on them and select copy
now go to motorized list you want to add bouquet to, create new bouquet then right click and paste them into the same window you copied from.

that should add channels to bouqets and i think will add details to services if channel isn't list at all.
@tonedeff ...cheers m8, this has been doing my head in all day, going to give it ago right now.....thanks

@tonedeff all edited, backed up and ready to ftp back to the box, quick question , just next to the send files back to dreambox tab it has a auto reload settings enigma2 box ticked .... leave ticked or un tick it ?

Thanks for the help m8

not sure i'm using DBedit v2.02.00 and it doesn't have that option.

but these TM's are Enigma not Enigma2 so i'd say disable any stuff for Enigma2. thats probably a new feature on enigma2 so you don't have to restart manually after sending.
Thanks mate, did'nt want to mess it up at the last bit !

Thanks again for the help !

Done some thing wrong, it didn't send them back ..still got my old lists ..doh, First time I've used DBEdit....I get there .

Thanks mate

Thanks tonedeff, all sorted had a problem sending it back with DBEdit I opened up my saved channel lists in dreamset and sent it back that way ...worked a treat thanks mate!

Thanks again

don't forget you need to restart enigma after sending, DBedit would of given error if it couldn't send

if it isn't that maybe check the sending file paths in DBedit options.

Services and Bouquet files:

User bouquet files:

Satellites.xml file:

i took too long to post :p

i don't think dreamset likes my lists and my renaming, it seems to remove some channels and ignore renaming in bouquets, did when i tried it anyway
Tonedeff, for some reason dreamset don't seem to to like your green fonted channels ..... going to resend it back via DBEdit this time to see if it's any better.

My return path is correct ...not sure why it didn't send it back ?

