2005 Pirelli Calender

all i get is a load of garbage opens in notepad and not excel
When you save it, it will say Save As "Pirelli20051.xls.htm".

You need to knock the ".htm" off the end of it.

It should then open fine in Excel.

It's well worth a look. Couple of potential "old-boots" in there though.
Just right click the attachment on 'spikeman's' post, select save target as, it should default to pirelli 20051, then open up the saved file and savour the delights lol
nice one :)

hey robac do u remember when we did that work for pirelli in burton a while back (10 years or so) and we got sent a pukka calander. In the good old days when nobody was pc so they could put virtually what they liked....and we certainly did. :Cheers: :Cheers:
Pie Eyed said:
When you save it, it will say Save As "Pirelli20051.xls.htm".
Couple of potential "old-boots" in there though.

lol yeah! nice one :)

Just tread carefully when opening this file lmao
should this not have an adult tag with all that rimming going on ?
OH NO Bronto - Please Mr Mod don't flame me or dare I say delete my posts to mention one Japs - lol glad you liked it
@ hatab, thats going back a bit isn't it, but i do remember it, i remember how much pedigree pet foods factory stunk too, the good old days lmao