2.6 --> 2.71


New Member ++
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
I need to update the soft ver2.6 --> 2.71. Can i use any 2.71 EBOOT file or do i need one specific for EU.
Can i use the US ?
What's the best or most stable CUSTOM FIRMWARE to put on the PSP ? There are so many out there it a bit confusing.
This custom firmware (3.52) has 4 firmware updates. Does 3.52 M33 already have these firmware updates or do they need to installed separately ?
I can't see any instructions for this update 4. Can someone give me detailed instructions on how to apply this update 4.
just copy and paste the PSP folder onto your memory stick, when prompted if you would like to overwrite hit "yes to all"
go back to the XMB and run it from the game / memory stick.
What is the SEPLUGINS folder used for ? What do I do with that ?
it's for putting plugins in, like svcapture....cwcheat.....

the 1 that is included in the update is the popstation plugin, it's for people having problems running psx games on later firmware's.
if your not having any problems with psx games then you should just ignore the seplugin folder.