2.0 Eboot Loader Guide and FAQ


DW Regular
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
NOTE THIS IS NOT MY WORK, THanks goes out to Fanjita

This is a guide to the new 2.0 eboot loader by Fanjita. This shows how to run homebrew on 2.0 through an image buffer overflow. This is for 2.0 ONLY. (But TeamOverload and some others are working on a hack for 2.01/2.5!)

Feel free to post questions and comments.

Sorry if i dont update this or respond, i just downgraded to 1.5

Official Readme: h*tp://fanjita.org/psp/readme.txt
Download From: h*tp://fanjita.org/psp.html
Eboot Loader Forum: h*tp://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=20712
Working EBOOT List: h*tp://www.fanjita.org/psp_working.html
Working Homebrew Discussion: h8tp://forums.qj.net/showthread.php?t=21186
2.00 Emulator Pack: h*tp://personalwebs.oakland.edu/~by...Y Z35 7X.RAR


1. Read the Official Readme here

2. Download the newest Eboot loader (current version is 0.8 but not as compatable as 0.7) from h*tp://www.fanjita.org/psp.html

3. Extract the loader (you can use Windows, Winzip, or any other .zip extracter)

4. Plug your PSP into your PC and copy either the l.bin and l_alt.bin files or the l_08.bin file into the root of your memory stick. This is not to be confused with MP_ROOT, it should be placed in ms:\ where ms is the drive letter. For example, F:\

5. Copy the folder Eboot Loader v0.8 into the photo folder on your PSP making sure the files aaa.gif and run_l.tif (or run_l08.tif) are copied. If you copy these two files seperately you must copy aaa.gif first. If you dont you can use the touch.exe to fix this (this is descrubed in the FAQ).

6. Copy any games into the GAME folder on the PSP. Also remember to copy User_lua as standard Lua does not work.

7. Exit USB mode on your PSP and perform a complete reboot. By this I mean holding the power button down for 5 sec. This is because if the Eboot loader is not loaded as the first thing you do after turning on, it may not run properly.

8. Set any custom image as a background. It can be anything you want, just a custom image.
*This is important. If you miss this step the Eboot loader will crash*

9. Go to Photo menu on your PSP and then click the Eboot Loader folder. This is all you have to do, you do not need to open any of the images, just wait for the thumbnails to load and it should start the loader.

10. You should now be able to run hombrew on 2.0! If your PSP crashed or this did not work carefully read through this and the FAQ. If that doesnt help, post your problem here.


Q. Does the Eboot Loader run all homebrew?
A. No, the Eboot loader only runs about 70% of all homebrew. For a complete list check out: http://www.fanjita.org/psp_working.html

Q. Do the programs run at full speed?
A. Yes, if a program works on 2.0 it should run at the normal 1.0 and 1.5 speed. Sometimes it can be run faster because of the new overclock feature in v0.7.

Q. How do you exit the eboot loader?
A. After launching the loader you cannot return to the psp menu. You must hold the power switch down for 10 sec. But if you are in a homebrew that has an exit option, you can use that to return to the loader. The menu button does not work with the loader. Standby also is unsupported. 0.8 of the loader also has the option to hold down left+right trigger buttons, plus START, to exit back to the PSP menu.

Q. What are kernel mode apps and will they supported in future releases?
A. Kernel mode apps are special homebrew programs that use functions in the kernel memory space. These functions cannot currently be accessed in the 2.0 Eboot Loader because of certain limitations. Kernel Mode might be supported in a much later version if someone cracks Kernel access from the user space.
Kernel Mode (Unsupported in loader):
-UMD/ISO Emulation

Q. What if the PSP crashes on the photo browser? (touch.exe/custom background/L.bin)
A. This means that either the loader image is the thumbnail on the PSP or that you have forgotten to set a custom background. PSP files are arranged by time, so to fix this you must make the run_l.tif file newer than the aaa.gif image. This also may happen if L.bin is not placed in the correct spot. It should be located on the top-most folder on your Memory Stick, the root.
i have downgraded my psp with 2.0-1.0 mph downgrader and have used
a few diff loaders for the psp

if i can assist in anyway to this thead please let me know

the best emu for the psp i have found is the UMD_Emulator_V0_8C

it runs really fast and plays very good

also you have got the emus they are cool

and i have tried some cool homebrew apps as well

i like kickit the drum machine thats fun

there is some supoport for ver 2.0 psp

but i find ver 1.5 got lots more out there at mo and has been running a bit longer

plus you can always upgrade back to 2.0 if you want


p.s watch out for bad downgraders out there they WILL BRICK YOUR PSP

try to find a psp file checker to see if bad code is in the downgrade file you download
there is loads about this on the net

also nortons report the overflow.tiff file in the downgrader a virus
well i leve that down to you i think s*ny had something to do with that

and nortons report a virus called PSPBRICK was found on your system
and like always nortons auto deletes this file and you have to download it again

just a couple off tips hope this helps
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i couln't get the umd emulator to work for, maybe i was doing something wrong.

at th eminute i am using fastloader 0.7 and it needs a original umd disc in the back to make back-ups run.
ok i will make a quick tut on how to install

ok first you will need this file i have included in this reply to you

it will be your setup file if you like you may just copy all the contents to your card go to mem stick and chose the app

i have done this this way so it is easy for you not to go wrong

as long as your psp is ver 1.5 you will have no problems running this

the options are easy

you speed you can change to 333 mhz if you like
or leave it 233 up to you

you want it to run from a : umd in your psp

and the emu you want set : iso

you want region change if your trying a app or demo from the US
but that is it

ok to install this you need only to copy all the folders that are in this
UMD FULL rar file to your mem stick(the files in the UMD FULL FOLDER) one you can use usb lead
or you can wireless

before you start just copy all the mem stick files to your hdd ( For backup you old ones ) this is only if you have photos or music on there already


you must over write all files that are in the card
with the one i have uploaded
and thats it go to memstick

have a game in the psp

start the app from game memstick

now you must select your app ect

now when you want to put isos to your psp just transfer iso to iso folder on psp

i have done the seting up bit for you

also i have put a demo iso in the iso folder
so you can test if it working

please enjoy

thanks holly, i will give that a trry later today.

'holly', now, that is a christmassy name.

thanks again.
ok that is no problem and lol holly was a pet name

was not thinking christmas then lol

plese let me know if it works ok


: mr ed :