£20M for your eye & thumbs

i cant pick my nose with a thumb so i suppose i'd sell my left 1
only just seen this and my answer is NO! a friend of mine was in a horrific motorbike accident in which he lost both of his legs and most of his stomach. recently he had to have his stomach rebuilt in a sense and he had to start eating liquids again as if he was a baby basicaly to mature his new stomach.

he was in agony for weeks and he is in agony everyday with his prosthetic legs. he cant get around his house and although he trys to live life to the full he will never have the life he had before the accident.

he got a masive amount of compansation from the woman that caused the accident. he is loaded for life.

ask him whcih he would rather have his life the way it was or millions.

his life back wins everytime infact he would choose poverty over what he suffers on a day to day basis.

crazy question imo!
only just seen this and my answer is NO! a friend of mine was in a horrific motorbike accident in which he lost both of his legs and most of his stomach. recently he had to have his stomach rebuilt in a sense and he had to start eating liquids again as if he was a baby basicaly to mature his new stomach.

he was in agony for weeks and he is in agony everyday with his prosthetic legs. he cant get around his house and although he trys to live life to the full he will never have the life he had before the accident.

he got a masive amount of compansation from the woman that caused the accident. he is loaded for life.

ask him whcih he would rather have his life the way it was or millions.

his life back wins everytime infact he would choose poverty over what he suffers on a day to day basis.

crazy question imo!

well said m8

and that goes for me 2 the answer is NOOOOO
sorry couldnt do without my thumbs. How the fook would a get a lift?
only just seen this and my answer is NO! a friend of mine was in a horrific motorbike accident in which he lost both of his legs and most of his stomach. recently he had to have his stomach rebuilt in a sense and he had to start eating liquids again as if he was a baby basicaly to mature his new stomach.

he was in agony for weeks and he is in agony everyday with his prosthetic legs. he cant get around his house and although he trys to live life to the full he will never have the life he had before the accident.

he got a masive amount of compansation from the woman that caused the accident. he is loaded for life.

ask him whcih he would rather have his life the way it was or millions.

his life back wins everytime infact he would choose poverty over what he suffers on a day to day basis.

crazy question imo!

sorry to hrear that m8 . but thats an extreme case we are talking about a thumb here . not exactly life changing .. still i say .. not my eye but a thumb hell why not ...
sorry to hrear that m8 . but thats an extreme case we are talking about a thumb here . not exactly life changing .. still i say .. not my eye but a thumb hell why not ...

ok m8 go to the kitchen now and ry to make a cup of tea, cook yourself a meal without using your thumbs.

its the pricipal of the question.