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Test-Phantompatch-TM-5302_11Jan2013.tbn 2017-06-25

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New patch for tm-5302-HD and tm-5502-HD

1- Blind Scan is still unreliable (Stops before scan completed) at times not 100% working as intended,
2-/Front end set up (Tuner loop out) if ON is selected no signal to TM5302HD tuner but signal ok to loop out,
If OFF is selected (Tuner loop out) Signal ok to TM5302HD & loop out is ok,(Needs sorting as it will confuse new owners of the TM5302HD,
Fixed - changed Off/On to Master/Slave (Master : default value)
3-PVR works ok manually but you have to switch the receiver to Standby for delete content to happen,

4/Now able to update satellite names manually (switch receiver to standby for new Satellite names to take effect)
5/Biss keys update manually ok (switch receiver to standby for new data to take effect)
6/DiSEqC motor in USALS still does not move to selected satellite at 1st attempt (select another satellite then the one you want & depress the ok button for 3 to 5 sec)
7/YouTube works some ok,will be fixed fully next,
8/Unable to change satellite data base to include new satellites in sequence due to lack of an Editor for the TM5302HD tbn file system,
Attached Test channel editor please test
10/Failure to switch the TM5302 to standby will result in manually changed data being lost,

As they are test patches can feedback be left here please. Many thanks for you contributions.